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.A stronger dose will not, however, prove harmful.Commonly, the diseasewill be cured when it has been taken three times, but, if obstinate, the dose must be doubled.Itshould be taken three times a week.It will cure both internal and external disorders, includingwounds and gangrene.In external diseases it should be applied in the form of a balm.It strengthenshead and stomach, and is a veritable potable Gold.It operates by an insensible perspiration orsweat, as also by the passage of water, but seldom in any other way.Its effect is natural and void ofviolence, so that it can be used at any age, by all temperaments, and at any time.UNIVERSAL MEDICINE --- The admirable master and adept, Denis Zachaire, assures us that thePhilosophical Stone, internally received, becomes the most precious of all medicaments.In theNatural Philosophy of Metals he lays down the true method of using the Divine Work to heal thediseases and woes of physical humanity: In applying our Great King for the recovery of health, agrain's weight must be taken and dissolved in a silver vessel with good white wine, which will thusbe converted into a citrine colour.The patient must drink it a little after midnight, and he will behealed in one day if the disease has endured for a month, in twelve days if it should have lasted ayear, but if he has been a confirmed sufferer, the cure will be accomplished in a month, duringwhich period the medicine must be administered nightly.To ensure permanent good health, thesame must be taken at the beginning of autumn and spring in the form of an electuary confection.By this means shall a man be ever fortified and established in perfect health even unto the very endof the days which the good God hath appointed him, as the Philosophers do testify in their writings.UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL MEDICINE --- Not only does the Blessed Stone of the Wise Adeptsconvert all metals indifferently into Gold or Silver, not only does it heal the diseases and remove theinfirmities of the body of man; it is also an interior panacea, a great medicine of the mind.Thosewho are so fortunate as to have attained to the possession of this high inestimable treasure of thewhole world, however evil and vicious they may previously have been, experience a change ofdisposition, and become persons of good act and deportment.They are transmuted in intention andexalted in aspiration; they no longer regard any earthly matters as worthy of their desire or theiraffection, and having nothing left that they can wish for in this world, they thirst henceforth afterGod only, and after the beatitudes of eternity, and they exclaim with the prophet: Lord, now only doI need the possession of Thy glory for the attainment of my entire satisfaction.So also the mostpious Nicholas Flamel affirms that when any one has perfected the Stone, all that is bad within himis changed into good; the radix of sin is uprooted; he becomes liberal, mild, pious, religious, God-fearing; how bad soever he may have once been, he is henceforth ravished by the great grace andmercy which he has obtained from God, and by the contemplation of the height and depth of Hisdivine and admirable works.The illustrious Cosmopolite, whose high achievements are among theglories of Hermetic history, also declares that the Philosophical Stone is nothing else but a mirror inwhich may be perceived the three divisions of the wisdom of the world.He who possesses it is wiseas Aristotle or Avicenna.So also Thomas Norton, the English alchemist, testifies, in his Confessionof Faith, that the Stone of the Philosophers is a help to its possessor in all his needs, of whatsoeverkind they may be; it strips him of all vain-glory, and equally of hope and fear; it annihilatesambition and the violence or excess of desire; it sweetens and softens the most severe forms ofadversity.God ranks the Adepts of our art next to the saints of His religion.Hence it was concludedthat the ancient sages must have been in enjoyment of the Philosophical Stone, that Adam receivedit from the hands of God Himself, that the Hebrew patriarchs and King Solomon were initiated intothe secrets of Alchemy, and that the same inestimable treasure has been promised to all goodChristians by that passage in the Apocalypse: To him that overcometh I will give a White Stone. The consideration of these benefits and blessings which accrue from the possession of the GrandTreasure of Philosophy must account for the tabulated comparisons between the mysteries ofAlchemy and of religion which have been undertaken with so much profit to our art and with nodetriment to that pious reverence with which the teachings of Christ should be regarded by allfaithful members of the Church, whether proficient in the admirable secrets of the true knowledgeor uninstructed disciples rich only in the humility of the faith.Thus, the resurrection is regarded as averitable operation of Alchemy and a transmutation of the superior order.Our science indeedabounds in the most magnificent comparisons between metallic processes, the resurrection of thedead, and the Last Judgment.Nor are suggestive analogies wanting between our processes and themost central dogmas of the Christian religion.In his Allegory of the Holy Trinity and thePhilosophical Stone Basil Valentin thus expresses himself: Dear Christian, Lover of the BlessedArt, after how brilliant and marvelous a manner has the Holy Trinity created the PhilosophicalStone! For God the Father is a spirit, and He appears, nevertheless, under the form of a man, as welearn in the Book of Genesis.Of God the Father is begotten Jesus Christ His Son, who is at onceGod and man, and is without sin.He had no need to die, but He died voluntarily, and then rose fromthe dead to give eternal life to all His brothers and sisters who do also keep themselves unspottedfrom the world [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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