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.Passion obscures both Insight and Forecast.All effort to elevate Instinct to Idealism is abortive, thelaws of their being not coinciding (in the early stage of the existence of the one).Instinct is eitheralarmed, and takes refuge in Superstition or Custom, or is left helpless to human charity, or givenover to providential care.Idealism, stripped of in sight and forecast, loses its serenity, becomes subject once more to thehorror from which it had escaped, and by accepting its aids, forfeits the higher help of Faith;aspiration, however, remaining still possible, and, thereby, slow restoration; and also, SOMETHINGBETTER. Summoned by aspiration, Faith extorts from Fear itself the saving truth to which Science continuesblind, and which Idealism itself hails as its crowning acquisition,--the inestimable PROOF wroughtout by all labours and all conflicts.Pending the elaboration of this proof,CONVENTIONALISM plods on, safe and complacent;SELFISH PASSION perishes, grovelling and hopeless;INSTINCT sleeps, in order to a loftier waking; andIDEALISM learns, as its ultimate lesson, that self-sacrifice is true redemption; that the regionbeyond the grave is the fitting one for exemption from mortal conditions; and that Death is theeverlasting portal, indicated by the finger of God,--the broad avenue through which man does notissue solitary and stealthy into the region of Free Existence, but enters triumphant, hailed by ahierarchy of immortal natures.The result is (in other words), THAT THE UNIVERSAL HUMAN LOT IS, AFTER ALL, THAT OFTHE HIGHEST PRIVILEGE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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