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.Other notes and such were in there too.I d like you to havethem, Cain. Me? Cain asked, surprised. I don t  Yes, you, she said, and she reached over and retrieved them from a nearby table.Shehanded Cain a small bundle tied together with a big thick rubber band. Shouldn t Violet be the  Cain began.  No, son.We d like you to have them, Marshall said with finality.Cain pushed his food around on his plate for the next hour, wanting to get the hell outof that house as soon as possible.When Violet placed her hand on his leg, he startled andalmost jumped.She looked over to him and widened her eyes, silently asking what waswrong.He quickly glanced around the table, but it didn t seem as if the Edwardses noticedthe exchange.He took her hand and placed it back on her own lap.The homemade apple pie was served back in the living room.His knee bobbed up anddown with nervous energy as he ate, and more than once Violet placed her hand on it tostop the movement.And in the middle of a funny story Maggie was telling about herneighbor, Violet turned to Cain and smiled in an obvious attempt to loosen him up. You have a little crumb right&  Violet reached for his face instinctively, swiped thecrumb away with her finger, and popped it into her mouth.Mrs.Edwards stopped talking,and her and her husband s eyes were as wide as saucers.When Violet realizing what she d done, her cheeks immediately reddened, and shelooked as if she was about to cry. Oh, uh& I don t know why I did that.You know me&always eating. She giggled nervously. It s not what it looked like.Not at all.We re justfriends.Best friends.There s nothing& We re just friends.He s Jeremy s friend, forgoodness sake. Honey, Mrs.Edwards said soothingly,  it s okay.You don t need to Blood pounded in Cain s ears, and he felt sick in his stomach.God! What had he beenthinking? What was going on with him that he d sleep with Violet? And Violet, poorViolet& At the moment his concern for Violet trumped his overall self-loathing.Cain stood. Mrs.Edwards, Mr.Edwards, thank you so much for lunch.I m so glad Icame back.I ve missed you both.Unfortunately, we have to go.I have to be back inTarpon Springs. This time he didn t touch Violet as he walked behind her toward thedoor.Maggie began to protest that they should stay longer, but he was firm. We really don thave time we ve got to go.Violet will call you, I m sure.And I ll call you too.I ll stay intouch. Now who was rambling? He extended his hand to Marshall and hugged Maggietightly, lifting her slightly off the floor in the process.Violet, who looked completelymortified, gave Maggie an apologetic look and kissed her and Marshall goodbye with apromise to call them.Since the two were still standing by the door, Cain and Violet got on the bike and tookoff without talking.She wasn t sure what to think except that she d messed up.It wasn t appropriate tobring your new boyfriend to your dead fiancé s house for lunch, right? Wait boyfriend?That wasn t even right.More like lover.Temporary lover.Very temporary.And in thespace of an hour Cain had gone from touchy-feely to treating her like a leper.What wasthat about? She just prayed that he wasn t reverting to his old ways.As soon as they got to his house, Cain turned the engine off and got off the bike. Cain.Talk to me, she said as he opened the door.She wasn t sure what exactly was bothering him. Nothing to say, he bit out as he marched to his room and began to undress. Cain, please. She followed him as he strode into the closet and picked out clothes. Italk too much.I m an idiot.It s no big deal.They know nothing s going on with us.Ifanything, our running off like that may have made it worse. Made what worse? Like you said, we re just friends.You re Jeremy s fiancée.It snothing.Don t worry. He finished tying his running shorts. Going for a run, and as soonas I get back we head out.Pack up. He left before she had a chance to say anything else.What the hell had just happened?She walked into her room and began shoving all her belongings into her bag.She hadn tbrought much, so it really only took her a few minutes.When she was all done, she madethe beds and then sat and waited.And waited.And waited [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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