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.The unique and original taste ofSebastian awakened my senses like fireworks lit up the night sky onNew Year’s Eve.Bitter and salty, every nuance of flavor delectablewith layers of briny fluid that reminded me of the sea and waves andshades of blue, like Sebastian’s eyes.I savored his taste, rolling it overand around my eager tongue, pressing the appetizing zest against my132Susan Lainepalate.I wanted the taste of Sebastian to fill my mouth till I overflowedwith it.I enveloped the length of his shaft with my mouth in one move,and he groaned out loud, so clamorous I feared for a second Jack andBro would hear it even through the door and walls and the bangingmusic of the game.But then I shrugged the unnecessary feeling off andfocused on the scrumptious piece of perfection in front of me andwithin me.I sucked gently as I moved back up, wetting him with themoisture of my mouth.His silken surface shuddered, and knowing Iwas doing it to him, making him lose control, was like I’d just won agold medal in the sexual Olympics.Yeah, I was the freaking king of theworld.I flicked the bundle of nerves just under his crown, and hisknees buckled in front of me so much I grabbed his ass to bring himcloser and to hold him steady.The muscles of his firm ass cheeksclenched just like the muscles of his belly, unclenching slowly, thentightening again, like moves and countermoves in the throes of physicalexertion.I lifted his dick a little with my fingers, and with my dartedtongue, I licked a long unbroken line down along the thick veinpulsating on the underside of his cock till I reached the smooth, warmball sac and flattened my tongue against it, taking in the taste and feel.His balls bounced and hopped against my tongue, as though theytightened upward just to escape the pleasurable sensation I wastormenting them with.Relinquishing my hold of them, I moved back up, allowing mytongue to explore the length of his silky, soft-hard shaft before reachingthe tip, drinking the drops of precome leaking freely now, hot and salty,and taking him deep into my mouth again.The tip of his cock nudgedthe soft back of my throat, which was shaking to find enough room, andI relaxed my jaw and my throat, letting him slip past, further.Hemoaned deeply from his chest now, grabbing my head and pulling myhair into his fists.Swallowing, difficult as it was with him this deep inme, I let him fill me up to the point of nearly choking me to death.I buried my face in the thick patch of jet-black hair around hisdick and nuzzled even as it tickled my face all over.It was then that mysenses heightened in a jolt and I became aware of the scent of him.SOUNDS OF LOVE133Musky, masculine—and something else, too, familiar and fresh.Soap.Sweet, like milk and honey.Fuck, he’d showered.I pulled back, mysuction more forceful this time until I reached the tip and let his dickdrop from my mouth with an obscenely loud, wet pop that echoed inthe tiled, open space of the bathroom.“You’ve showered,” I stated, looking up at Sebastian.It explainedwhy he’d been in his pajamas this early in the evening.I wasn’t surewhether I was glad or disappointed.The former that he was clean,which was always good when erogenous zones were devoured by amouth; the latter that I’d missed the chance to scrub him good andclean, to rub him everywhere on a pretext of showering out the dailygrime.Sebastian’s head was thrown back in fits of ecstasy, so I had topinch him on the hip to get his attention, and when he looked down,frowning, puzzled, I repeated the statement.“Hours ago,” Sebastian replied, confused.“Is that a problem?”I shook my head, bemused and amused at once.“Why did youtake me up on my offer to shower, then?”Now he laughed out loud, his whole body shaking and jolting.“Silly Jordan! I wanted to shower with you.Duh!”It wasn’t like I didn’t know the answer.I’d just felt like we couldbe in bed instead.But then, finally, it dawned on my ridiculouslyoverheated brain that Sebastian actually wanted this type of foreplay.An intimacy of nudity in a setting that had multiple layers of meaning.It didn’t have to lead into anything, but could.A get-to-know-you-and-your-body-slowly shower scene.Man, I could be really thick in thehead sometimes.Being hard as a fucking rock didn’t help matters.“All right, you little minx, get in the shower,” I ordered, growlinga little but more tenderly than annoyed, shoving his hips to get him tomove toward the back of the room where the big shower cubicle was.He stepped in, and after I’d gotten back on my—I admit it—wobblyfeet, I joined him.Hot water rushed down on us like a waterfall fromthe big round showerhead, and the almost indistinguishable scent offresh water filled the air.Sebastian grabbed a big, bluish loofah from the metal rack stuckagainst the shower stall wall and poured some liquid soap onto it,134Susan Lainemoistening it quickly under the stream before turning to face me with achallenging lift of his chin.Oh, so that’s what he was up to.“Which side you want to wash first?” I teased him, giving myhips a little shuffle.“The front,” he replied with a mischievous grin, and began to giveme what amounted to a sensual sponge bath—part massage, partcleansing, part sex-with-a-sponge-and-a-hand, relaxing me, caressingme, and touching me in places that were pretty damn clean as a resultof the amount of time and attention he gave them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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