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.Kavanagh and emerged unscathed,” she said, “Ihardly think we are in immediate danger.Will you come in, Mr.Kavanagh?”Ross stepped away from the wall and strode past without a second glance, all blusterand bravado.Ethan keenly felt Gillian‟s rebuke.He had made the mistake of framing hisfirst warning as a reprimand, a self-indulgence he would not repeat, just as he would nolonger count on anyone else to do the necessary work as he had so foolishly relied onBianchi.He went into Gillian‟s suite.Kavanagh was already at the sideboard, pouring a glass ofbrandy.Drink, by all means, Ethan thought.Poison your mind.Give me yet another advantage.Gillian glanced at Kavanagh, her frown revealing her concern.Ethan clenched his teeth.It wasn‟t possible that she should still find this lowbred mongrel attractive.“I ask you to speak softly,” Gillian said, standing behind the sofa with her hands restingon its low back.She didn‟t need to explain further; Toby was doubtless trying to hearCome The Night – Roaring Twenties 03Page 134 of 530what was going on among the adults.Ethan realized he‟d been rash to accuseKavanagh in front of the boy.Amazingly enough, the American had already won somemeasure of Toby‟s loyalty.“Perhaps you had best be seated, Gillian,” he said.She stayed where she was.“What is this about, Ethan?” she asked softly.“I‟ll tell you what this is about,” Kavanagh said, positioning himself so that he stood at anequal distance from both Ethan and Gillian.“Your friend is going to tell you that Imurdered a gangster‟s moll and was kicked off the force.”Shock and horror would have been a natural reaction to such an announcement, butGillian‟s expression never altered.Ethan silently cursed Kavanagh for trying to assumecontrol of the conversation.“He didn‟t tell you, did he?” Ethan asked.“I didn‟t tell her because it isn‟t true,” Kavanagh said.He took a step toward Gillian.“Iwas kicked off the force.But I didn‟t murder anyone.Someone set things up to make itlook like I killed the girl.They never found enough evidence to bring it to trial.”“So he claims,” Ethan said.He‟d heard the subtle trace of fear in Kavanagh‟s voice.TheAmerican must know that Gillian would be far more likely to believe an old friend than aman with whom she‟d once had a passing fling.And, Ethan realized, Kavanagh cared for Gillian‟s opinion.As ridiculous as it seemed,he apparently wanted more from her than money.Ethan breathed very slowly to control his rage.He would gladly have killed Kavanaghon the spot, but he knew the American‟s jealousy could be turned to his advantage.Come The Night – Roaring Twenties 03Page 135 of 530Though it was extremely unfortunate that Kavanagh had been permitted to spend timealone with Gillian and Toby, there was considerable satisfaction in knowing that theAmerican regarded Ethan as a threat.“The prosecutor believed him to be guilty,” Ethan said, deliberately calm.“Public opinionwas against him.Simply because the authorities lacked the necessary proof—”“It was a setup,” Kavanagh repeated.“I made enemies on the job.” He spread his handsin an almost pleading gesture.“There are a lot of powerful people in New York, peoplewho don‟t like cops who can‟t be bought.The guy I was investigating…he hadconnections in the mayor‟s office.The girl was my contact in the boss‟s organization.Ifthey found out about her, it would have been easy for them to kill her and make it looklike I did it.”Ethan laughed, drawing Gillian‟s gaze.“A guilty man always has excuses,” he said.“Someone else is always to blame.”Kavanagh tightened his hands into fists.“In this case,” he said, “someone else is.Someday I‟m going to prove it.”Ethan ignored Kavanagh and kept his attention focused on Gillian.“Ask him why evenhis closest colleagues turned against him,” he said.“Men who had trusted him with theirlives.They were fully convinced of his guilt.”“Not all of them,” Ross said.“There was pressure from above to get rid of me.” Hejerked a thumb in Ethan‟s direction.“Ask him why he wants you to believe I‟m guilty.Ask him why he tried to deny that Toby is my son and then tried to buy me off.”Gillian spoke as Ethan gathered his answer.“I never asked you to lie for me, Ethan,”she said.Come The Night – Roaring Twenties 03Page 136 of 530“I have no regrets for attempting to interfere,” Ethan said.“If deception had allowed meto find Toby and keep Kavanagh away from—”“But it didn‟t work,” Kavanagh said.“I tossed him out, and that‟s what the little pipsqueakdoesn‟t like.Isn‟t that right, Warbrick? Or is it just that you can‟t stand the competition?”Ethan looked him up and down.“There is no competition,” he said.“Mrs.Delvaux hasno interest in two-penny scoundrels.”With a swift, sharp motion Kavanagh started toward him.Gillian moved just as quickly,blocking Kavanagh‟s path.“That‟s enough,” she said, speaking in the same way she had to Toby minutes ago.“Ihave heard accusations, but no evidence to support them.” She stared at Kavanagh.“Ifyou had told me…” She gave her head an almost imperceptible shake.“It would havebeen better if you had been honest, Mr.Kavanagh.”Kavanagh was the first to look away.“I should have told you,” he muttered.“But I didn‟tdo it, Jill.And I didn‟t want Toby to think—”“I think you had better leave,” Gillian said.Ethan swallowed his smile.Even if he had planted sufficient doubt in Gillian‟s mind, hemust not assume victory too quickly.Gillian wasn‟t herself.Her judgment was stillquestionable.“So you‟re just going to believe this guy?” Kavanagh asked, the muscles of his jaw sotight that the words emerged like bullets.Her eyes turned cold.“Ethan Warbrick has been a friend for many years,” she said.“Hehas never deceived me.”Come The Night – Roaring Twenties 03Page 137 of 530“What are you going to tell Toby?”“I don‟t know.”Kavanagh spun on his heel and charged for the door.He stopped with his hand on theknob.“You‟re too smart to make your decision based on one guy‟s claims, even if he is an „oldfriend,‟” Kavanagh said.“You‟ll want to get the whole truth, if only for Toby‟s sake.Whenyou need it, you know where to find me.”He opened the door and strode into the corridor.For long moments after he had gone,Gillian stood facing the door.“Is it true?” she asked finally.Ethan thought better of approaching her.“He avoided trial only because of atechnicality,” he said.“But he didn‟t go to trial.He wasn‟t found guilty.”“He wouldn‟t be the first criminal to escape justice.”She turned to look at him, her back pressed against the door.“You hate him.Why?Because he refused your bribe?”“Don‟t be ridiculous, Gillian.He‟s hardly worth hating.But he must not be allowed todeceive you further.Whatever hold he has on you—”“He has no hold on me.”Come The Night – Roaring Twenties 03Page 138 of 530The reply was too vehement.Ethan took a seat in one of the chairs.Gillian wasdisturbed, more so than he had seen her in a long while [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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