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.Without willing it, Caleb s body began to move slowly against Samuel s as if music hadsuddenly begun to play.He closed his eyes and took hold of Samuel s hands, moving them slowly,sensually all over his body. You are so fucking sexy. Samuel whispered, moaning as Caleb s hands snaked back andcaressed the man s hips, moving them in rhythm with Caleb s own, his firm ass pushing and rollingagainst Samuel s hardened crotch.Twisting smoothly, gracefully, Caleb swayed against the man, plucking loose the buttons of his shirt one at a time.Samuel s fingertips played up and down Caleb s back lightly.His lips went toSamuel s throat, slick tongue tracing patterns over his Adam s apple as he removed the man s shirtwith artistic grace.Samuel s head tilted back, a low groan rolling up his throat beneath Caleb s mouth. Oh god,Caleb& I want you so bad right now.Teeth grating enticingly across the man s sensitive skin at the base of his throat, Calebmoaned,  Then take me. Chapter Ten Too late Not To FallThough the flame was burning every bit as hot as before, Samuel was in no rush.His passionand desire for Caleb  on multiple levels  were increasing by leaps and bounds.He didn t just wantto fuck the guy, but longed to experience him in every aspect of the word, savor every second he hadwith him.Sometimes when he looked in the man s eyes, he sensed a wall there  as if Caleb wouldonly allow him to get so close, but not nearly close enough for Samuel s liking.And there seemed tobe that  ready to flee air about the young man.Not as if he were afraid of being hurt, but& well,Samuel didn t really know what.Sexually, Caleb was quite open.But emotionally& he felt closedoff.So find a way to open that door.He and Caleb were wrapped around one another as they made their way to the bedroom andfell onto the bed together, Samuel landing on top of Caleb.The guy grunted then laughed low andshoved his hands down between them, working open Samuel s pants.His cock throbbed and he justwanted to get inside Caleb as quickly as possible, but even so  he wanted this thing with Caleb to bemore than just sex.Sitting back on his heels, Samuel gripped Caleb s hands, halting their activity. Easy, baby&we got all night. So? Caleb smiled darkly. Doesn t mean we can t get to it.Samuel held Caleb s wrists and pushed his arms above his head, pinning them to the bed as hestretched out over the top of him. True.But neither do we need to rush. He brushed his lips acrossCaleb s cheek, breathing softly against his skin. Maybe I want to take my time, savor you. Shut up. Caleb rolled his eyes and turned his face to the side, a cynical smile twisting his lips. Don t get all fuzzy bunny on me. Why? Samuel grinned and nuzzled his neck. Afraid I might& steal your heart?Caleb stiffened a little. No, he mumbled, his face still twisted to the side. Don t think I can?Shaking his head slowly, Caleb glanced at him. Can we terminate this topic and get down tobusiness? Whatever you want, Samuel smiled and kissed him.When Caleb leaned into it, Samuelpulled back a bit, a wry smile on his lips. But first& say you ll be my boyfriend.Caleb shifted beneath him and looked away again. No, he whispered. Why not? Samuel pressed gently, kissing his neck, pushing his hips against Caleb s hardcrotch. Don t you like me?  Cause I m getting the feeling that you do like me. He grinned androcked his crotch a little, pulling a low moan from Caleb. It isn t that, Caleb s breath quickened. Then what? Samuel murmured and grabbed at the curve of his jaw with his lips. Are youseeing other boys as well? No, Caleb sighed with a note of exasperation, then shifted his eyes to Samuel s face. Areyou?The slight uncertain frown that pinched his brow delivered a little jolt to Samuel s heart;though he might not admit it, Caleb didn t want him seeing other guys.He smiled,  Now why would Iask you to be my boyfriend if I were seeing other guys? I&  Caleb fumbled with his words then shrugged. I don t know. But&  Samuel posed,  If you don t grab me up soon& someone else might.Caleb licked his lips then shrugged absently. So?Stop fighting it, baby, Samuel groaned inwardly, you know you want me for yourself.Hechuckled softly,  So, he says. He kissed Caleb s warm mouth, then whispered,  You might thinkyou re fooling me, but you re not.I know you want me.  Arrogant much? Caleb cocked an eyebrow. Nope, Samuel smiled,  Just calling it like I see it. Maybe I just want your cock? Caleb suggested. Ever think of that? Sure, Samuel released his wrists and combed his hair back from his forehead then kissedhis brow softly,  I considered it, then dismissed it as quickly. Why? Because, Samuel explained quietly,  You re not a cock chaser. He kissed down the bridgeof his nose and back to his lips. In fact, I think you re a closet romantic.I think you want all the fuzzybunny stuff& but just won t admit it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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