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. We don t have a couple of hours, Mendanbar said. How sure are you, right now, that this wizard sstaff has done the same thing to this bit of moss as something did to that whole section over there? And have you any idea how it did it? Cimorene put in. Thehow is very simple, Telemain answered. The staff is designed to appropriate any unattachedmagic with which it comes in contact.Magic appears to be a fundamental property of the EnchantedForest.So when the staff rested fora few minutes in one location, it swallowed up all the magic from thatlocation, leaving it as you see. What about that? Cimorene asked, waving at the burned area. What did they do, roll a wizard s staffaround on the ground for an hour? Of course not, Telemain said. It s simply a matter of extending and intensifying the absorption spell.One couldn t maintain such an expansion for very long, but then, one wouldn t have to. That s it! Mendanbar said suddenly.The other two looked at him blankly. What s what? said Cimorene. That must be what happened to that locating spell I sent out, Mendanbar explained. Some wizard sstaff sucked it up.That s why it didn t come back. Come back? Telemain said. You mean your locating spells work on a sort of echo principle? Wouldyou mind demonstrating just how you  Notnow, Telemain, Cimorene said.She looked at Mendanbar. Does that mean you know where thewizards are? No, but I think I know how to find out, Mendanbar said. Ready or not, here we go.Without waiting for a response, Mendanbar took hold of a thread of magic and pulled.Mist rose andfell, and they were standing in front of the main door to the palace. Willin! Mendanbar shouted, throwing open the door. Willin, come here.I need He stopped short.Standing in the middle of the entrance hall was a boy of about ten in a blue silkdoublet heavily embroidered with gold, a middle-aged man in black velvet with a pinched expression,two cats (one cream-and-silver, the other a long-haired tabby), Morwen, and an extremelyharried-looking Willin.The footman who tended the front door was watching them all with the carefullyblank face he kept for odd visitors and unusual events.He had had a lot of practice. Your Majesty! Oh, thank goodness, said Willin in tones of heartfelt relief. This woman these people   Willin.The elf stopped abruptly and made a visible effort to pull himself together.While he was still working atit, Morwen stepped forward. Hello, Cimorene, Mendanbar, she said briskly. You re back just in time.These people have somevery interesting infor  Morwen? Telemain s incredulous voice interrupted from behind Mendanbar.A moment later, themagician pushed his head between Cimorene and Mendanbar to get a better look. Itis you.What onearth are you doing in the Enchanted Forest? Living in it, Morwen answered calmly. As you would know if you bothered to keep up with thedoings of your old friends, Telemain. I ve been busy, Telemain said defensively.One of the cats made a small growling noise. Nonsense, Morwen told it. It s perfectly normal for himto be busy.The question is, has he got anything to show for it?Both cats turned their heads and gazed expectantly at Telemain.Mendanbar decided it was time to takea hand in the conversation, before things got so far off track that he d never get them back on again. Telemain has been very helpful, he said. Morwen, who are these other people? His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Jorillam of Meriambee, Willin said in a loud, formal tone beforeMorwen could reply.The elf nodded at the boy, who bowed uncertainly. And His Royal Highness s uncle and guardian, Prince Rupert, Willin continued.This time, the olderman stepped forward to acknowledge the introduction. They have come with the witch Morwen  Willin paused, obviously waiting for Morwen to curtsy.Morwen only looked at him, and after a moment the elf went on  with the witch Morwen to beg aboon of His Majesty Mendanbar, the King of the Enchanted Forest. It s not a big thing, Your Majesty, Prince Rupert said hastily. Really.If I could just have a minute ortwo of your time. His voice trailed off in an indistinct murmur.Mendanbar looked from Prince Rupert to Morwen and back, completely baffled. I m in something of ahurry just now, he said at last. What is it? If we could, ah, discuss the matter in private., Prince Rupert said with a sidelong look at hisnephew. Oh, Uncle, said Crown Prince Jorillam in an exasperated tone.He turned to Mendanbar. He justdoesn t want to say straight out that we re lost.And he especially doesn t want to say that the wholereason we came was so he could leave me in the forest and go home and take over my kingdom. Jorillam! Prince Rupert said, plainly horrified. Well, it s true, Uncle, the Crown Prince insisted. And if they re in a hurry, it s better to tell them andnot waste time.  Mrow! one of the cats agreed emphatically. Morwen. Mendanbar said, hoping he did not look or sound as confused as he felt.The ginger-haired witch shook her head and peered sternly over the top of her glasses at Prince Rupert. You, sir, are here to tell these people your story with as little shilly-shallying as you can manage.You dbetter get started, or I shall be tempted to do something drastic. Like what? asked the Crown Prince, greatly interested. Could you turn him into a toad? I could, Morwen said repressively,  but I won t.Not yet, anyway.Provided he starts talking. Isn t that a bit severe? Telemain asked, frowning. You wouldn t think so ifyou d been dealing with him for the last two hours, Morwen said.Cimorene stepped forward and gave Prince Rupert a perfectly charming smile [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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