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.This is what Greene recommends and I have found it to work on a number of occasions.However, sometimes even this does not work and all you can do is smash the wall down, which is what the following entries illustrate.7>".All I could see as an escape route were the windows to our left.The windows were sunk back and about 7 feet off the ground.There were a series of pipes blocking the way so I hovered up into the air.The children seemed amazed to watch me fly.I turned and flew between the pipes up to the window.I tried to pass through the window but could not.I tried turning around and doing the same, it didn't work.I tried to lunge through the adjacent wall, and that didn't work either.So I smashed the window with my hand and broke it.It took about 4 or 5 smashes till I made a safe hole to climb through.Nothing happened to my hand when I smashed the glass.I climbed with some trouble out the window."8>(This example illustrates the "blipping" I spoke of earlier.You don't always go where you want to during an OOBE as you can see from this example.)".I made my way into the adjacent kitchen.I saw through a window up overthe sink that it was raining outside, and I could feel that pleasant fresh feeling that one feels on warm and sunny rainy days.I was really surprised that it rained on the astral plane and that it felt so similar to what it's like on the physical plane.I really wanted to go outside and feel the rain for myself.I tried to pass through the wall to get outside but I couldn't.I tried to go forward and backward, but just couldn't pass through the wall.The window was open, but there was a screen blocking my way.I tried to open the screen but couldn't, so I decided to tear the window out.I smashed through it but the hole was too small to crawl through, so I tore away the wall around the window.But the hole was still too small to pass through! So I tore down the whole kitchen wall! I figured, hell, it was just somebody's thought-form anyway, and they could reconstruct it easy enough! Now the hole was big enough to climb through and I jumped through it.But I wasn't outside! Instead, I was in a strange and unfamiliar hallway.I turned around and the kitchen with the hole in the wall was gone! There was just a door there now."(END OF ENTRIES)You can also see from this last example how space does NOT always behave in the OOBE realm the way it behaves here in the physical plane.I had ripped the whole window out, and you'd have thought I'd be able to climb through the hole, but I could not!I really did end up tearing down the whole kitchen wall before I could get through the holeI made! Of course, this doesn't make any sense when we think of it in physical terms, and I was confused about this during my projection.We can also see here another example of making mischief during an OOBE.It's not very common to go destroying walls in strange houses here on the physical plane!Yet, during an OOBE, there is a carefree sense that you can get away with anything you want.Monroe calls such behavior "being a Wild One".We will talk more about this later.So, that's it about moving through walls.3.Exercising Psychic PowersAside from the locomotion tricks discussed above, perhaps the most amazing thing you can do during your OOBEs is use psychic powers.Almost all the psychic powers described can be performed extraordinarily easily during an OOBE.As a matter of fact, you will find yourself automatically using psychic powers during your projections.What you want to do is RECOGNIZE when this is happening, and that is why I am pointing out here that this will happen automatically during your OOBEs.Some of the psychic powers you will find yourself using during an OOBE are the following: seeing visions (or using clairvoyance), reading minds, psychokinesis (moving things with your mind), and even experiencing memories of past (and future) lives.Also, strange as this sounds, you can have an OOBE while you are having an OOBE! That is, you can leave your body while you are projecting! I will give an example of this below.I had found myself automatically doing some of these things but not really understanding what was happening.The first book I found that described this possibility was a Seth book called "Dreams and Projections of Consciousness" where Seth says flat out that you can use psychic abilities while out-of-body.After reading this, it was completely clear to me that this was indeed true and that I had automatically been doing this all along.Since that time I have had many occasions to experiment with these abilities while out-of-body.And also very important is the fact that you use psychic abilities all the time in your dreams [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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