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.Always shootforward on the attack and then shoot back on the defense.Fighting Distance FundamentalsIn close combat there are three ranges to be considered.These are long range, close range and groundfighting.You must learn to recognise the fighting style of your opponent.Never fight an opponent ontheir own terms.Always go for the tactical moves they are not using.At the long and close ranges thetactics can be either offensive or defensive.There can also be single or multiple assailants anddefenders.The ground fighting range adds a more complex dimension to the tactics.This is because a groundfighter can be offensively orientated despite the fact that their opponent is standing.It is notnecessarily the case in ground fighting that both protagonists are on the ground.The tactics for groundfighting will be treated separately in the final chapter.Long Range Offence The opponent is usually taller than you and has the advantage of alonger reach.They will be attacking you with kicks and jabs, keeping you at arms length.Counter thistype of attack by:" Going to the ground and attacking their legs" Retreating to force them into a forward momentum.This momentum can be side stepped orhopped away from before striking out." Parry the fist attacks and move in fast to counterattack at close range." Side step and kick.Long Range Defense The opponent is moving around you fast.They are using jabs, kicksand side stepping to keep away from you.They will concentrate on countering all your approaches.Counter this type of defense by:" Using side steps to disrupt their circling tactics and close in." Covering up and closing in fast to use close range tactics.Close Range Offence The opponent may be shorter than you.They move inside your guardvery fast and attack with elbows, knees, head butts and grappling tactics.Counter this type of offenceby:" Using your knees and palm heel attacks to force them off you." Retreat fast at the first opportunity and keep them at bay with your kicks and long punches.Close Range Defense The opponent sticks close to you and spoils all your tactics byparrying, grabbing, grappling and using counter attacks.Counter this type of defense by:" Breaking away and using long range offensive tactics30 THE TEXT BOOK OF CLOSE COMBATCHAPTER's 3 & 4THE FIST AND OPEN HAND TECHNIQUESGeneral Warfare Tactics.For Public Information and Research Only.General Comments on The FistThe skin and bones of the fist are liable to suffer much more trauma than then objects they connect with in a fight.Theskin covering the knuckles is very thin and liable to break open when it strikes a solid surface.When you punch anopponent in the mouth, the skin will cut open by the opponent's teeth.This will lead to other health problems,including infection with AIDS, hepatitis, jaundice, and other debilitating problems.Compared with other weapons ofthe hand the fist is not a reliable, long term, general-purpose weapon.Despite this reality, the fist remains the principalweapon in close combat for the novice fighter.This is because it is a natural, nurtured and cultural expression ofaggression.Natural It is a natural expression of aggression because most people will clench their fists when they are understress.In many cases, individuals will telegraph their intentions by approaching you with their fists clenched.Inconflict resolution, where the minimum amount of force is required, the approach of the individual who intendsresolving the situation is open handed.This is instantly recognised as non-offensive.The individual who intends usinga sucker punch will also use this open handed approach.Nurtured A false sense of security in the use of the fist can be nurtured through success in childhood fistfights.The bones of a child's fist are more pliant than adults.There is much more give when a child's fist strikes another'sskull.Adult bones are much more solid.When bones connect in a fight they do not bend or spread, they will splinterand break.Success in playground fights will not prepare you for adult combat.Cultural From a cultural perspective, the sport of boxing is very popular and the media, to represent aggression,uses the fist.These factors can lead to individuals emulating their screen or ring idols by using their fists.It must neverbe forgotten that boxing is only a sport.It is now a sanitized version of a very practical form of close combat.Boxingoriginally included; cross-buttocks, choking, eye gouging, foot stamping, tripping, head butting, spitting, headlocks,kicking and arm locks.Because of these cultural and natural tendencies, it is inevitable that individuals will have to either defend themselvesfrom or resort to fist fighting in close combat.For that reason, this chapter will illustrate several fist techniques.Whenthe fist is used in combat, it must be protected with a knuckle-duster or sturdy gloves.PunchingFor the purposes of both defense and attack, spend at least one month in daily practice of the basic punch.This practicewill not be wasted; you will develop your attacking muscles so that you can deliver more powerful attacks.Coordinating the following seven principles will develop your power punches:" Defend yourself with both arms in front of your body, close to the centre line." Keep your arms only slightly tensed." Wait until your fist moves out.Then increase the impact by moving your shoulders, hips, legs and feet towardsthe target." Breathe out during the punch." Just before contact, tense the fist and lock your wrist so that the hit is solid." To reduce ligament and joint damage, the arm is never thrown out to its full extent.Finish the punch with yourarm still slightly bent.31 " For the recovery and your defense, relax your retreating arm slightly and get back on guard.The Basic PunchThe basic punch starts with the fist palm up against the hip (Fig1).Your feet should be in line and shoulder widthapart.Imagine that at arms length there is a centre line from head to toe and you direct your punches into it.On the fullthrust of your arm, the palm of your hand is facing down.To lock your fist for the impact, push the thumb side of yourfist forward.The back of your fist should be straight with the forearm and locked so that the wrist can cope with theimpact.The perfect fist is made by having point A (Fig.2a) protruding slightly further than point B.The figure in 2a showshow the average person will make a fist and therefore the fist needs a pair of sturdy gloves to protect the knuckles,particularly at point B.It is important that you develop your fist until you are only using the two knuckles as shown inFig.2b.32 Consider this point, how long can you wait in order to develop a complete fighting style incorporating the fist? Leaveout the fist fighting and your training program will accelerate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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