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.If you observed your child who has been naughtyyesterday and with that knowledge you observe him today, you arenot observing him.That knowledge is going to dictate how youshould observe him today.That previous knowledge becomes yourauthority.That knowledge is the tradition, what the guru, what thesaints, what society has said; and with that you observe, andtherefore it is not observation at all.If you are really interested to observe and therefore really care,then all the tradition, all the authority of yesterday or ten thousandyesterdays drop away from you.Then you are observant everyminute, watching, looking, listening, because you have the feelingof care, affection, love.These are not ideas; don't nod your headsin agreement.This is your life we are talking about - not my life - ,your life which is so torn apart, which has no meaning any more,hedged about with so many anxieties, fears.So a mind that is observing itself is watching the words, thegestures, the ideas, the feelings, the reactions, putting up withinsults, inviting flattery.As you begin to observe yourself you willsee that all authority - as tradition, as what people will say andwon't say, all the authority of the guru, of the book - comes to acomplete end, because then you become a light unto yourself.Andthat is absolutely essential because nobody can give you truth,nobody can point it out to you.Because truth is not something thatis static.It is a living thing, a thing that is moving swiftly.It is nota word.And to find that, the mind must be equally swift andequally without a word.So if you really care and therefore observe,you will find that out of that observation comes freedom. But you see most of us are so crippled by authority, bothoutwardly and inwardly.We respect authority, and authority is oneof the most difficult things to be free from.Authority is differentfrom law.Don't mix the two.The law of the road, the law of thecountry, the law that says that you must pay tax - that is entirelydifferent from the authority of fear, the authority of a mind that isseeking security, the authority of a mind that has many experiencesand uses those experiences to understand the living present.Because that authority is of time, of yesterday; it is not a livingthing.And a dead thing shapes the living thing.A dead thingjudges in its observation and says, "This is right", "This is wrong","This is the right value", "This is the wrong value".As you observein the world now, all values are going, all values have gone.Psychologically, inwardly, we have still values and with thosevalues we observe.So to observe implies care, and when you carethere is no condemnation, no comparison.You don't compare yourchild with his elder brother; you love that child.It is only when youdo not care, when there is no love, you begin to compare and say,"You are not so good as your elder brother".There is not only the authority of the conscious mind of whichone is aware in daily process - the authority of your experiences ofwhich you are conscious and which guides you, shapes you andcontrols you - but also there is the authority of the unconscious.Ido not know if you yourself have gone into it directly - probablynot.First of all you have neither the time nor the inclination.Butprobably all of you have read Freud and a few other psychologistsor your own particular religious books which describe yourconsciousness, and you repeat it after them and think you have understood.What I am talking about is something direct, to belived, discovered, understood immediately, as the speaker istalking.There is the conscious as well as the unconscious - the thingthat is hidden.The daily mind that operates, that goes to the office,that has technical knowledge of how to run a machine, what to do;the mind that is educated by the modern system to become alawyer, a politician, a technician, a labourer - that is the consciousmind.There is the unconscious mind deep down, the racial instinct,the inherited racial knowledge, the things that are hidden whichhave never been uncovered, looked into - all that is part of you.Iam not going to go into the details of the unconscious, because thatwould demand quite a lot of enquiry and that is not the purpose forthe moment.There is the unconscious.To enquire into that and to removefrom it all authority - because otherwise there is no freedom,otherwise there is no discovery of the new - you must observe.Youcannot possibly discover what is new with the eyes of the old.Lifedemands that every minute you look at it anew.And in looking at itanew, there is beauty.To look at the tree, the person, themountains, the dirt, the squalor, to see all that anew, demands thatyou shall be free.Our question is now not only how to free theconscious mind but also how to be aware of the authority that is inthe conscious mind and also of the authority that is in theunconscious mind - which is much more difficult.To observe yoursecret thoughts, your secret motives, the fears that have not beendiscovered, the hopes, the sorrows, the longings, the deep motives -to discover those, to bring them out to the surface demands an extraordinarily sharp mind.And the mind is sharp only when it isquiet.The conscious mind which observes the unconscious canonly observe when it is completely quiet.I hope I am makingmyself clear.The conscious mind - do you understand what I meanby the conscious mind? I have explained it enough - has to bequiet, not forced to be quiet, not made quiet.If you wouldunderstand your child, you have to observe him quietly, haven'tyou?So the conscious mind becomes quiet when you are enquiringinto the unconscious.You will see also that the two are notseparate - it is one movement, one process, which has been dividedfor convenience as the conscious and the unconscious.As youbegin to understand the conscious mind you will also begin to seethat there is an understanding of the unconscious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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