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.He said, "Isn't it true that any humaniform robot, would know? Not consciouslyperhaps, not in such a way as to be able to give instructions in the matterbut the information would surely be there within him, wouldn't it? If ahumaniform robot was properly questioned his answers and responses wouldbetray his design and construction.Eventually, given enough time and givenquestions properly framed, 4humaniform robot would yield information thatwould make it I possible to plan die design of other humaniform robots.-Toput it briefly, no machine can be of secret design if the machine itself isavailable for sufficiently intense study."'Fastolfe seemed struck."I see what you mean, Mr.Baley, and you are right.Ihad never thought of that.""With respect, Dr.Fastolfe," said Baley, "I must tell you that, like allAurorans, you have a peculiarly individualistic pride.You are entirely toosatisfied with being the best roboticist, the only roboticist who canconstruct humaniform so you blind yourself to the obvious.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlThe Chairman relaxed into a smile."He has you there, Dr.Fastolfe.I havewondered why, yow were so eager to maintain that you were the only one withthe know-how to destroy Jander when that so weakened your political case.Isee clearly now that you would rather have your political case go down thanyour uniqueness."Fastolfe chafed visibly.As for Amadiro, he frowned and said, "Has this anything to do with the problemunder discussion?""Yes, it does," said Baley, he felt his confidence rising."You cannot force any information from Dr.Fastolfe directly.Your robotscannot be ordered to do him harm, to torture him into revealing his secrets',for instance.You can't harm him directly yourself against the protection ofDr.Fastolfe by his staff.However, you can isolate a robot and have it takenby other robots when the human being present is too ill -to take the necessaryaction to prevent you.All the events of yesterday afternoon were part of aquickly improvised plan to get your hands on Daneel.You saw your opportunityas soon as I insisted on seeing you at the Institute.If I had not sent myrobots away, if Ihad, not been just well enough to insist I was well and to send your robots inthe wrong direction, you would have had him.And eventually you might haveworked out the secret of humaniform robots by some long-sustained analysis ofDaneel's behavior and responses."Amadiro said, "Mr.Chairman, I protest.I have never heard slander soviciously expressed.This is all based on the fancies of an ill man.We don'tPage 286 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlknow-and perhaps can't ever know-whether the airfoil was really damaged; andif it was, by whom; whether robots really pursued the airfoil and really spoketo Mr.Baley or not.He is merely piling inference on inference, all based on dubioustestimony concerning events of which he is the only witness-and that at a timewhen he was half-mad, with fear and may have been hallucinating.None of thiscan stand up for one moment in a courtroom.""This is not a courtroom, Dr.Amadiro," said the Chairman, "and it is my dutyto listen to everything that may be germane to a question under dispute.""This is not germane, Mr.Chairman.It is a cobweb.""Yet it hangs together, somehow.I do not seem to catch Mr.Baley in aclear-cut illogicality.If one admits what he claims to have experienced, thenhis conclusions make a kind of sense.Do you deny all this, Dr.Amadiro? Theairfoil damage, the pursuit, the intention to appropriate the humaniformrobot?"Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"I do! Absolutely! None of it is true!" said Amadiro.It had been a noticeablewhile since he had smiled."The Earthman can produce a recording of our entire conversation and no doubthe will point out that Iwas delaying him by speaking at length, by inviting him to tour the-Institute,by inviting him to have dinner but all that can equally well be interpreted asmy stretching a point to be courteous and hospitable.I was misled by acertain sympathy I have for Earthmen, perhaps, and that's all there is tothat.I deny his inferences and nothing of what he says can stand up againstmy denial [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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