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.Petersburg and Moscow.This provingineffectual, he issued another in 1820, excluding thementirely from the Russian dominions. R.W.Thompson,The Footprints of the Jesuits, Hunt and Eaton, pp.245, 246.Five years later, Alexander was poisoned to death.The Czars wereunder Jesuit attack.Alexander II broke all diplomatic ties with Rome in 1877 and evenproposed a Constitution.Alexander II had progressed well with his great reforms andhad attached his signature to a Constitution to be adoptedby Russia.The next day a bomb was thrown at his carriage,which killed and wounded a number of Cossacks, whoaccompanied the carriage.The Emperor in deep sympathyleft the carriage to look at the dying men, when a secondbomb blew him to pieces. Arno Gaebelien, Conflict of theAges, The Exhorters, p.85.Finally, in 1917, the last Czar and all his family were murdered.Neveragain would a hated emperor from the House of the Romanoff ruleRussia or ever again protect the Orthodox Church.Payback time hadcome.The overthrow of the Czarist system therefore, brought withit the inevitable overthrow of the established OrthodoxChurch.To the Vatican, which had waged war against theOrthodox Church since the eleventh century, the downfall ofher millenarian rival was too good to be true. AvroManhattan, The Vatican Billions, Chick Publications, pp.120,121.Who was it that aided and financed the Russian revolutionaries in theirtakeover of Russia? Who backed Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin as theycreated revolution and bloodshed throughout Russia?The instruments of this new alliance between the Sovietsand the Vatican were to be the Jesuits, described as thehereditary enemies of the Orthodox Church.Reportedly,there were large numbers of representatives of the JesuitOrder in Moscow during the Revolution. James Zatko,Descent into Darkness, University of Notre Dame Press, p.111.http://www.geocities.com/thesecretterrorists/book/ch6.html (2 of 5)2.12.2005 16:31:48 THE SECRET TERRORISTS CHAPTER 6: WORLD WAR ONEAmong the 1,766,188 victims up to the beginning of 1922,figures obtained from the Soviet documents, nearly fivethousand were priests, teachers, nuns, etc.of the OrthodoxChurch.Nearly 100,000 Lutherans banished.Wholevillages were wiped out.Thousands of churches of thedifferent branches have been demolished and the work ofdestruction goes on. Arno Gaebelien, Conflict of theAges, The Exhorters, pp.103-106.The actual Jesuit financiers of the Revolution were to be found inAmerica.William Franklin Sands, a director of the Federal ReserveBank of New York, had just contributed $1,000,000 to theBolsheviks. Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and theBolshevik Revolution, Veritas Publishing, pp.133, 134.Jacob Schiff was the principle Jesuit in America who was assigned thetask of taking over the American banking system and establishing theFederal Reserve.Jacob Schiff came to America in the late 1800s with ordersfrom the Rothschilds to get control of the American bankingsystem.By the turn of the century, 1900, Schiff had masteryof the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street. MyronFagan, The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations,Taped Lecture.Since Schiff had control of the Federal Reserve Bank, he now had asource of money to finance the Communist Revolution in Russia.In the February 3, 1949, issue of the New York JournalAmerican, Schiff s grandson, John, was quoted by columnistCholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather [JacobSchiff] had given about twenty million dollars for the triumphof Communism in Russia. G.Edward Griffin, TheCreature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion Publishing, p.265.In today s money, that twenty million would be 420 million dollars,money essentially stolen from the American people through the FederalReserve Bank.Jacob Schiff was in control of the entire banking fraternity and wasfinancing a government whose avowed principles are the directantithesis of the United States Constitution.Schiff pretended to be anAmerican capitalist.He was living in America, but his sole objectivewas that of the papacy: the ultimate destruction of America.There were other goals that the Jesuits hoped to reach with World Warhttp://www.geocities [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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