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.Davis sat in the back seat of the cab and the tears started to flow.He was so confused.The way they d looked at one another last night.He knew it was real.It felt so real.Davisnoticed the cab driver looking back at him through the rearview mirror.He reached up self-consciously and pulled his shirt closed.He couldn t believe that it was happening.No& thiscouldn t be happening.Jack would call Deseree s looking for him.There would already be amessage by the time he got to her apartment.When there was no message, Davis told himself that by the time he got home, Jackwould have called.The days passed with nothing, and after a few weeks, he knew Jackwasn t going to call.When Davis finally got up the nerve to call Jack, he acted as if nothinghad happened.It was all run-of-the-mill chitchat.Nothing that led Davis to hope, but he stilldid hope.Hope was all he had left. 48 Ethan DayChapter SevenPresent dayTadd s condo occupied the front half of the third floor in an old four-story brick andstone warehouse that had been converted into living space.The floor plan was open, and inthe living areas, the ceiling was two stories high.The walls were a bright white with largepieces of artwork hanging along them, and pieces of sculpture were scattered throughout.Itwas very contemporary looking with the clean lines of minimalist furniture and tons of tracklighting, which hung from the high ceiling.A large dining table sat under a huge modernistrectangular crystal chandelier.It seemed more like an art gallery than a living space.Stairs inthe back of the large room led to a second level where the bedrooms were located.The party was already in full swing when Davis, Jack, Deseree, and Candace arrived.People were scattered about in clusters, chattering away with cocktails in hand.There was abar set up at the far end of the room and a jazz quartet along the back wall next to the diningtable.The caterers were running about the open kitchen, and waitstaff walked around theroom with trays of hors d oeuvres.Candace was immediately swallowed up by adoring fans.Jack turned to Davis and Deseree. I ll go see if I can find Tadd. We ll be at the bar, Deseree said as Jack walked off, leaving Davis and Deseree tomove into the crowd. People are staring at me, Davis observed as several men looked him up and down. You can thank me anytime, Deseree said as they walked up to the bar.The bartender awaited instructions as they pointed at one another. Ketel One dirtymartini, up, Deseree said at the same time Davis said,  Ketel One cosmo, up. Self Preservation 49 Better make mine a club soda, Deseree told the bartender as Davis gave her a look. One of us needs to keep our wits.A glass of wine at dinner and you almost burst into tears. Oh, fine. Davis pouted, picking up a stir straw and fiddling with it. Sue me forhaving feelings.It s your fault.You re the one that brought up monkey face. Holy crap, Deseree said, placing a hand on his arm. What a minefield that was.AndJack s face when you said he shouldn t call you that anymore& I thought he was going toblow a gasket. It did seem to have an effect.Deseree took the drinks from the bartender and held one out for Davis.He lifted hishand to take it and scowled. These damn sleeves are too long. They re supposed to be.You look hip.Davis frowned, flinging his hand around, trying to flip the cuff off so he could take thedrink from her. Stop that! Deseree shook her head at him. You look ridiculous. Well, hell. Davis grinned as he pushed the sleeve back with his other hand and tookthe martini from her. Lean back on the bar and rest your elbows on it, Deseree said, setting her drink downand moving in front of him.He did as instructed, and she undid a couple of the buttons onthe bottom of the shirt.A naughty grin spread over her face as he looked down to see a tinybit of his stomach showing. Again with making me look like a hooker. Zip it, she said, moving back to his side.She picked up her glass as they examined thecrowd. See, there s an extreme hottie over there checking you out.He looks kinda familiar. Where? Davis asked surveying the room. I don t see. By the windows, are you fucking blind? No wonder you ve never met anyone else.You were probably too dense to notice them staring at you. I have issues, we know this. Davis shot her a look. Besides, he could be cross-eyedfor all we know. Shit, he s coming this way, Deseree said, excitedly taking a drink.The man made his way through the crowd, and a hand grabbed his arm, stopping him.The crowd shifted and Davis and Deseree gasped.The hand that had halted him belonged toJack. No fucking way. Deseree watched as Jack embraced the other man. That can t behim. The Toad, Davis said, eyes widening. You were totally his eye candy, Deseree said, seeming a little miffed as Jack kissed theman. It is him. 50 Ethan Day And he doesn t look very toad-like, Davis said as his elbows slid off the top of the bar. He s gorgeous.Tadd Austin was in his mid- to late thirties and was the type of man who would appearto be every bit as comfortable at an evening at the opera as he would floating down the riverin an inner tube with a can of beer in his hand.He was very well built with an almost-intimidating physical presence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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