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.”“I still own this land that the tribe lives on,” Ahm reminded her.“Legally, you cannot take that from me.” He could see the calculating gleam in her eyes and knew she was thinking about the papers that were tucked in his pocket.“Watch me.” Nara pushed past Rakeym as she stormed from the room.“Nice gal,” Chance said.“Does her head turn three hundred and sixty degrees while she spits pea soup?”Rakeym moved into the room, closing the door behind him.“You shouldn’t have come here, Ahm.It isn’t safe for you.”“I need the file that was sitting on top of the shelf, Rakeym.Have you seen it?”The man looked surprised.“You would still help a race that would rather see you dead?”“They are still my people whether they like it or not.Not all are bad, Rakeym.You know this.The few bad apples make the rest look barbaric.”Rakeym moved through the office until he stopped in front of the sideboard.He moved the tray aside, the file hidden underneath.“I knew you would be back for this.I didn’t want it falling into the wrong hands.” He handed the file to Ahm.His second clasped his shoulder.“I will do whatever it takes to lead them in the right direction.If you need any help, just call.But you should go.I have a feeling Nara is rallying the troops even as we speak.”Ahm tucked the file under his arm.“My personal items?”Rakeym took a step back, letting his hand fall to his side.“I’ll pack your things myself and deliver them to your mate’s home.”“Thanks,” Bryce said.“We appreciate—”A Man’s Worth121“I am doing this for my longtime friend, shifter.”Ahm grabbed Bryce’s arm.He knew Rakeym, but he also knew Bryce.The two would turn his office into splintered wood if he didn’t get them away from each other.The sad truth was, Rakeym’s reaction was how his entire tribe felt when it came to outsiders.Ahm knew he had a hard battle ahead of him.Rakeym was not a bad man, but when taught from the cradle to reject anything not of the Shadow elves’way, it was a hard habit to break.Ahm knew that firsthand.He had almost lost Bryce because of the way he was brought up.“He’s right.We should go.” Ahm pulled Bryce toward the twins, making sure they were all touching as he shimmered them from his office and into the living room on the ranch.“God, he was such an ass,” Chance complained.“Rakeym is a good man.He has just been polluted with the teachings all of us have grown up with.He knows no other way.”“He’s still an ass,” Chance grumbled as he walked from the living room.“Okay, my job here is done.I basically went along for the ride since nothing happened, so peace out.” Chauncey headed outside.“You fellas done kidnapping my help?” Pa asked as he stepped into the living room.“It’s not like I have a ranch to run or anything.”“They were assisting me…Pa,” Ahm said.Bryce’s eyes widened at Ahm as his pa grinned from ear to ear.“I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.”“Well, in that case, let me know if you need any more help.”Okay, now his mouth was hitting the floor.Pa walked from the living room, his chest stuck out in pride.“Ass kisser,” Bryce said.“You are not the only one who knows how to sweet-talk someone.”Bryce grabbed Ahm, pulling the man hard against his chest.“There will be no sweet-talking to anyone but me.”122Lynn HagenAhm grabbed Bryce’s arms, using just as much force.He may have let Bryce fuck him, but there was no way his mate wasn’t going to be claimed as well.“Get upstairs, sugar pie.It’s my turn to rock my cock inside of you.”Bryce licked his lips, his light-grey eyes shimmering with desire.He took a step back and then headed up the stairs.Ahm smiled to himself as he followed.He was still reeling from the way the bears had tried to box him in and defend him.Ahm had never had anyone do that before.Rakeym was a good man, but he knew better than to try and fight Ahm’s battles for him.It was a strange feeling knowing he had an entire family who wouldn’t stab him in the back or betray him.He was considered one of theirs now, and it was the strangest feeling in the world.Ahm had never really belonged anywhere or to anyone.It was a possessive feeling as he thought about Bryce and his siblings, even his two fathers.This house was warm, inviting, and made Ahm feel like he really could make a home here.He didn’t have to keep up pretenses or always stay on the defense.Ahm was a strong and capable warrior, but even warriors needed to shed their skin and be themselves every once in a while.But who was he? Ahm had always worn the mantle of leadership.Now that he no longer led the Shadow elves, he wasn’t sure what his purpose in life was—aside from figuring out the growing problem within his race.What could he do to become a productive member of this family?“What’s taking you so long?” Bryce asked from the top of the stairs.“I would think you would be racing up here and beating me into the bedroom.”Ahm tilted his head back, staring up at his mate.From the top of the stairs, Bryce looked ten times more imposing, impressive, commanding.“What am I going to do around here?”“What do you mean?” Bryce asked as he began to descend.A Man’s Worth123“I mean, now that I am a permanent resident here, where do I fit in?” Ahm felt vulnerable in ways he never experienced before, and he didn’t like feeling that way.He didn’t like seeming weak or being seen as useless.“I could talk to Riley.He always has a full plate.Maybe you two can work side by side.” Bryce reached the bottom of the steps and placed a hand on the banister.“I can’t see you hanging out with Sterling or Abe.Gavin and Olsen tend to the crops and the daily lives of the animals.Riley and the twins take care of roping and all the other strenuous work.I’m pretty sure Riley would love having a right-hand man.”“What about your father?” Ahm moved closer, needing Bryce’s body heat.He was craving it now.“I thought Riley was Malcolm’s right-hand man.”“Pa has been talking lately about spending more time with Luke and Cole, letting his older sons run things around here.” Bryce tucked a knuckle under Ahm’s chin, his thumb grazing his skin.“You’ll learn the ropes and fit right in.I can’t imagine anyone giving you lip.”Ahm liked the idea of working next to Riley.He wasn’t so sure about riding a smelly horse, but if he was going to live here, he needed to get used to it.“Thanks.”“You are quite welcome, my love monkey.Now get upstairs so you can send me to heaven.”Ahm didn’t have to be told twice.He was up the stairs, through the bedroom door, and stripping naked before Bryce even made it inside the bedroom.His mate laughed, but Ahm didn’t find a damn thing funny.He was horny, and Bryce was about to get fucked through the floor.It didn’t take long for Bryce to get naked.It seemed the man was just as anxious as he was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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