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.The drive back to his place in the Warehouse District wasn t long, but Ranceuncharacteristically tried to drag it out as long as he could.He wasn't looking forward to theconversation he had no choice but to have.He wasn't scared, he had more faith in Jade than that. He had been young and oh, so stupid.He had honestly believed at the time he was saving hisbrother the only way that was available to him.He knew better now.He could have gone to hisfather or Uncle Beaumont.Hadn t his father chewed his ass for months for not coming to him?He had it better than Piers, though, whose father was too drunk, too self absorbed, tooselfish to be moved much at what was going to on to his own son let alone his nephew.LadyRienne had really hit the height of all evil with both he and Piers.What she had them do wasbeyond criminal.She had certainly earned herself a special place in hell for that one.Foolishly hebelieved he could bury the past, that no one had to know.That just wasn't the way life worked.It was perhaps for the best.He really didn t want to start life out with Jade withshadows in the corner or this particular secret hanging over his head.He just hadn t wanted totell her.He was deeply ashamed, that was something that was never going away.He just reallyhadn t wanted to share this just yet.Trump International boasted valet services, so there was no delay with carrying theirmany purchases up to the sixty-first floor.Funny, but standing outside his penthouse apartmenthe was suddenly reluctant to have her see where he lived.Jade s house was warm, comfortable.You walked in the door and you just felt like it was a home.His place was aseptic at best.Everything was rather cold.His walls were stark white.He had art; modern abstract art more inmetallic tones than anything else.There were several sculptures spread around.They too wereabstract, metallic, offering no real warmth or hints to his inner character.The place had neverreally been a home, it was just where he went to relax, sleep or work in peace.He couldn t recallhaving a real home. Not that he felt sorry for himself, it just was what it was.The whole place was anti-Jade.He didn t really feel comfortable with her seeing him as a gray, colorless person.He wasn't thatperson when he was with her.She brought color into his life. I know it s not exactly welcoming, but I don t expect we ll be here long. You don t? Jade brightened visibly, a sure sign she had mistaken his meaning.Damn. You think this whole scare thing will be over soon? That s what you think this is? Scare tactics? Now that just boggled the mind.Youdidn t put a live alligator in someone s house just to scare them.This had skidded past scaring to gonna die as soon as he got his hands on the bitch in a New York minute. Hold that thought.Go on into the living room, get comfortable and make yourself at home.Literally.He took all the packages to the master suite just to drive home the point.Herplace was by his side, period.He wasn't letting go.She would have to walk away, and he wasplanning on making that nearly impossible.He didn t just deposit the bags in the room; he hungthe clothes up in the walk in closet, cleared several drawers, folded and placed the clothes thatweren t hung up in those drawers.He placed the shoes on the shoe shelves in the closet, put herbrand new toothbrush right next to his own, placed all her toiletries in the appropriate places inthe bathroom.By the time he made it back to the living room, Jade had taken off her shoes and curledup in a corner of the too firm leather couch.He paused at the entryway, watching her lost in herthoughts.She looked neither scared nor angry, just thoughtful.She brought life into the room,made it look welcoming in some indescribable way.The sun seemed to shine through thewindows a little brighter, the surroundings looking less austere than just moments before.  Why are you looking at me like that? She didn t move when she asked, just regardedhim in a straight, earnest gaze all her own.Damn, she was gorgeous.It wasn't his dick that filled for once while staring at her looking right back at him.Hischest felt tight, packed almost to bursting.He loved her.He loved her, wanted her, and thoughshe had only said it as a way to knock Marie-Claire off her guard, she had said from her own lipsthey were getting married.He was going to hold her to that.Anything less was unthinkable. I was just thinking we needed to go house hunting. He wouldn t ask her to live here.Penthouse apartment wasn't her.She needed space, a yard, a garden, a big nursery. I don t think I want to move out of my house, Rance.I m sure this craziness will passsoon enough.In fact, I should probably go stay with my parents until it is.I don t want to putyou out.Nope, he didn t like that idea at all. You re fine right here.I don t think your parentswould appreciate me moving into your childhood bedroom, or all the screams in the middle ofthe night. Rance Chevalier, I do not scream. She was blushing.It was genuine, refreshing, and thecutest damn thing he had ever seen.She did, beautifully he might add. I m talking about me. He said it just to see if shewould blush harder, and she did.Her dark chocolate skin turned a burgundy red, high on hercheekbones.How was it possible a woman like this existed in this day and age?  What I meanby house hunting is a place for you and me to start off our marriage.I was standing right therewhen you declared I was your fiancé, I have a witness.No doubt it s all over New Orleans finer homes by now.You have to marry me now.How would it look if you didn t? People willnaturally assume it was me and paint me a monster for doing you wrong.She didn t smile back at him, but she didn t laugh him off either.Her steady gaze on himnever wavered.She looked as if she was trying to figure him out. You want to talk about it now? The question was asked softly.She unwound her bodyas she spoke, pointedly looking at the place beside her.Rance obeyed the unspoken command and sat down, rewarded by Jade climbing onto hislap when he did so.He didn t bother repressing a sigh as she laid her head on his shoulder, herarms snaking around his neck.This felt right, it felt good.He was looking forward to gettingused to it.His apprehension became nonexistent, his body relaxing at her touch.The womanreally did hold some kind of magical power over him.He couldn t be bothered to be upset whenshe was touching him. We were in high school when Remy got caught up with a girl from the bayou.CherryRobichaud.Completely unacceptable in the eyes of Lady Rienne.He wasn't serious about her,just having a little fun [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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