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.Leave the door open.”“So you can watch? I don’t think so.”“Leave the door open or don’t go.I won’t watch.”“I don’t have to go.”“Lie down on the bed then.”52Claiming Hannah“What?”“Lie down.”Oh God, he was going to start having sex with her now.Shakily, Hannah went over to the side of the bed closest to the bathroom and sat onthe lumpy mattress.“Turn on the light on my side of the bed,” he instructed.Scooting across the bed, she turned on the light.He flicked the main ones off,throwing the room into semidarkness.Then he strolled to the bed like a lusty predatoreying the mate he wanted.Her.He watched her as she moved quickly back to her side, and then he crawled ontothe bed beside her.He was a big man and the bed springs creaked as he lay down fully clothed.Despite her nervousness, she noted he smelled kind of sexy in a rugged sort of way.Hedidn’t even take off his black boots, but he did remove a black box, which she assumedwas the tazer, a stun gun that paralyzed anyone it hit, from a holster on the outside ofhis boot.The laser gun quickly followed as he pulled it from his shoulder holster andplaced it and the tazer within easy reach on the small stand beside the bed.When he turned and saw her watching him, he frowned and then looked away andup to the ceiling.“Just relax, Hannah.You’re safe.For now.”For now?Hannah’s heart once again began to pound with anxiety.“What’s that supposed to mean?”He ignored her question.“Give me your hand.”“What?”“Either give me your hand or I’ll have to slap on the cuffs.”53Jan SpringerDamn him! Why didn’t he just get this over with and quit stalling? Reluctantly sheheld out her hand and he laced his fingers intimately with hers, holding her tight.The warmth from his calloused hand sank deep into her flesh, branding her.Making her come alive with sensations that fired her blood.He reached out and flicked off the lamp on the night table.The room plunged intodarkness.Immediately his scent swarmed all over her, resurrecting the memories of today.Making her remember how she’d touched him in the meadow.The crisp feel of hischest hairs beneath her fingertips as she’d pinched his pebble-hard nipples.The hotsatiny feel of his skin and the underlying rigid stomach muscles quivering as she’dmoved toward his cock.His sexy scent had been her aphrodisiac, urging her on.The electricity springing upthrough her body as she’d touched his skin had made her fingers boldly wrap aroundthe hot flesh of his thick penis.The power throbbing against her fingers had been awesome.Heat had floodedthroughout her.Thick and hot.Most of it settling low in her belly.Leaving her bodyand her senses blazing with uncontrollable want.She’d wanted his hot body pinning her against the cold metal of his car.Wanted tofeel the thick power of his fiery erection deep inside her as he slammed into her pussyin a desperate effort to put out the ache he’d created between her legs.“Why did you run from the plantation, Hannah?” His rough voice broke her fromher thoughts.She blinked wildly into the darkness.The unexpected question stunned her.Itmade her remember the last night she’d been with Simon.Made her remember thehelplessness enveloping her when he told her she was going to her Breeding Ceremonythe next morning.Desperation had flooded her at the thought of so many men being setloose upon her.54Claiming HannahShe remembered the complaints from those Breeding Slaves who’d gone throughtheir own Ceremony with more than one man.How tired and sore they’d been trying toaccommodate their various sexual appetites.How happy they’d been to learn they werefinally pregnant and would have some months of peace and quiet.But after the babywas born, it would start all over again with a Stud selected by a couple who wantedtheir own baby.“I don’t want to be a Breeding Slave,” she blurted.“You were created for that purpose.Conditioned for it.My uncle purchased you forthat reason.You’re his property.He can do with you what he pleases.The law is on hisside.”She couldn’t believe the coldness in his voice.The finality of his words.“No man owns me,” she snapped, feeling the raw anger rage through her.She flinched as his fingers tightened around hers.“Who the hell taught you this crap?”“No one taught me.It’s something I feel inside me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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