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.She only smiled.“Landon, I am Gunther, the head of the Relife Council,” the blond man said.“We are here for Avery.”I grabbed her and held her tight, letting the tears fall.I didn’t care now if I cried.“You can’t have her! She’s mine and we love each other.Why must you always keep us apart?” I screamed.“We aren’t here to take her,” the blonde girl said.“We just came here to help.” She reached out towards me and held out her arms.I placed Avery’s limp body in them.“Lillith has agreed to follow all of the rules of a guide now, promising me that she will no longer come to Earth.In return, I will help Avery.What she did was brave, but foolish,” Gunther told me.“But she put her life on the line.”“Don’t forget your other promise, Gunther,” Lillith said, crossing her arms.She may have promised to follow the rules, but my Lillith would never behave.“Yes, Lillith.I have agreed to let Ianni come home.”Ianni jumped up and ran towards Gunther.“I don’t want to come home.I made a life here.I fell in love,” she said love as if it were a sin.“No, dummy, you get to have a soul,” Lillith chimed in.I had no idea what that meant, but Ianni was pleased.I only cared about Avery.I wanted my girl back.I wanted to tell her all the things I didn’t get a chance to yet.I wanted to make plans and see the world together.I wanted to make her happy anyway I could.All I wanted was for us to have a chance to prove them all wrong; that we were in fact meant to be together.And that no matter if we are Affinities, our love would live on forever.“Promise me one thing, Landon,” Gunther said.“Anything!”“You and Avery will not reincarnate anymore after this life.I don’t think I can take it.”“I will make sure we don’t.” I didn’t want to move on anymore.I wanted to live our lives together, here on Earth, and in Heaven.“Dallas will not remember your past any more.He will no longer remember his own past life either,” Lillith told me.“But you and Avery will not forget.In time it will fade.” She reached her arms around my neck and hugged me tight.She looked so angelic with her white wings.It was strange to see her like that.“Landon,” Avery called out to me from the other angel’s arms.“Avery, I’m here.” I took her in my arms and held her close.She reached up towards my face.“I want to go home to Washington.That’s where you and I belong,” she said.I laughed at her request.“Wherever you are, I will be,” I told her.EpilogueI woke up in the middle of the night to an empty bed.I struggled to get out, but managed by rolling myself off the side.My belly had made it hard to do anything lately.Our son was due in only a few more weeks.I couldn’t wait to have him and get my body back, to be able to hold him in my arms instead.Landon was not in the kitchen or in the living room.I went out to the balcony that overlooked our yard.We had just moved into our new house a week ago.We were happy living in Washington, but we couldn’t be away from our friends and family.Especially our new goddaughter, Natasha.Kerri and Justin chose us to be her godparents and we had to live by her.Not seeing Natasha grow up would be too hard for Landon and me.So we chose a location close to everyone.Ianni and Dallas, who were happy and had moved in with each other, lived only an hour away.The New York restaurant was booming, so they sometimes went back and forth.It fits Ianni to be in both states.Dallas forgot all about his past life and ours as well.It seems that whatever Gunther did to shave his memories worked.My dad wanted to see his grandson and so did Aunt Pauline.Dad was happy being a retired lawyer and Aunt Pauline, well, she was just happy traveling.I couldn’t get the woman to stay in one place.We were surrounded by the ones we loved, so it struck me as odd that he kept coming out here every night.He sat quietly on the lounge chair that over looked the ocean below.We both knew the house was perfect when we saw the view.It reminded us of the view in Monterey, only closer to our families.“Why are you out here?” I had startled him and laughed as he held his beating heart.“You have to stop scaring me like that, woman!” I sat down next to him, still laughing.“Well?” I pressed.He had come out here every night since we moved in.I worried he wasn’t happy with me, but he said that was the hormones talking.Sometimes hormones did make me a little crazy, but I knew something was up with him.He just didn’t want to tell me.“Come on Landon, spill.What is going on?” He took a heavy breath and pulled out a box.He laid it in my hand and smiled.“I have been waiting for the right time.The right moment to give it to you,” he said.We hadn’t married yet.We did things a little backwards in this lifetime.I never pressed the marriage issue.For me it felt like all the times before counted still in this life.I knew we would marry at some point, but making a home for our son was what mattered most.“Avery, I almost lost you twice! Seeing that both times, well, it killed me.I don’t ever want to lose you.I want to raise our son and live in this home as a family.As husband and wife.Will you marry me, again?” he asked as he put his hands on my stomach.“Yes I will.Just like all the times before,” I said as I leaned in to kiss him.We were making our beginning for the first time in this life.He opened the box and slipped the diamond ring on my finger.I had to unravel in order to find my true happiness with Landon.It seems like some souls have to fall apart and go through the most painful situations.Sometimes the outcome can be good.In my case, it was a happy ending.BIOChristy Sloat is a Southern California native who now lives in New Jersey with her husband and two daughters.She believes that reading is a passion and it should be embraced.If she is not reading or writing, she is cooking or spending quality time with her children.She believes in past lives and love that can last lifetimes.She is a huge Stephenie Meyer and J.K.Rowling fan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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