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.”Surprise made me blink.First of all, Rodán never told me about his choices for Night Tracker candidates.Secondly … Desmond?“Desmond has qualities that would benefit our team,” I said.“He isn’t the sword-and-dagger type, though.”A slight smile curved Rodán’s lips.“Indeed he is not.He has other talents that would serve him well.”I smiled, too.“I’m not being negative, Rodán.The thought just caught me off-guard.I actually think Desmond would make a terrific addition.Providing you can convince him to join the Trackers.”“That may be a challenge.” Rodán gave a nod of acknowledgment, his long white-blond hair shimmering beneath the low lighting, his movement revealing the points of his ears.“Desmond has been a loner, but after seeing what he and the Trackers did together to strike down his enemy, Amory, I know the difference he can make with us.”“Ah.” I sipped my chardonnay before setting the glass back down.“I wondered why you were telling me about a candidate.You never have before.”“That will potentially change, Nyx.” Rodán’s expression grew more serious.“I want you to take a larger leadership role.”I stilled and set my wine glass down.“More than being in charge of special teams?”“Yes.” Rodán studied me.“You have proven yourself to be an effective leader.You are respected by others and you have a charisma about you which is not learned.You were born with it.You will still primarily track, but you will be involved in more strategy development, training processes, and team assignments.”Surprise kept me from speaking as he continued.“I am not considering you full-time in another position by any means,” Rodán said as he studied me.“However, having more responsibility in the over operations will make better use of your skills.”When I finally found my ability to speak, I said, “I had no idea you thought of me this way.”Rodán’s gaze was focused, intent, like he was evaluating even my response.“As a Night Tracker you have already provided balanced leadership, and your judgment is sound.“I am thinking of one behavior, however, that must change,” Rodán said.“This has nothing to do with my feelings for you outside of being your Proctor.”“Okay.” My words were slow and deliberate as I spoke.After what had happened during the Zombie op I was wary of what he might say.“What in your opinion do I need to work on in relation to the soundness of my judgment?”“The only caution I have, you have heard before,” Rodán said.“You are an exceptional Tracker.However, at times you have had no regard for your own personal safety.You need to think through what is best overall, before you jump into certain situations.“For example,” he continued, “too often you have charged forward without waiting for backup.It has almost cost you your life on more than one occasion.An effective leader needs to remain alive, or he or she cannot be effective.Do you agree?”I wanted in some way to fire back that I’d done what I’d had to.As a Drow princess, I was raised around warriors and I had trained as a warrior myself.Dark Elves don’t sit back and watch—they act.But I knew Rodán was right.With an inward sigh, I brought my fingers to the collar I’d worn to favor my father.When I considered the last operations, I had to admit Rodán was right.I’d put myself into some pretty bad situations, including getting injected by a deadly virus.Dark Elves are aggressive fighters, but they still lay battle plans and work as a team.To a point, my restraint during the last case may have had more to do with my team than me.They had been adamant that I not charge in on my own without them, as I had during previous ops.The members of my team had been right, and I’d known it.“Yes,” I said, “that’s fair.It’s not easy for me, though.It’s my nature to give it everything I have, despite the dangers, but I understand what you’re saying.”“Consider what I have to say.” Rodán wore a serious expression.“I believe you, above all others, have the skills necessary to lead the entire team.Under my guidance, of course.I don’t have all the details worked out, but I wanted you to know what I was thinking for your future.”Wow.I took a deep breath.“It means a lot that you have so much confidence in me and my abilities.”“You have earned it.” Rodán steepled his hands on the tabletop.“Time and time again, on operations you have been assigned to, you have proven to be an exceptional leader.I only have the one concern.”“I think I understand.” I clasped my hands in my lap.“But I’m not management material.You know me—I can’t sit back and watch.”“I would never expect you to do so.” Rodán smiled again.“That is not the Nyx Ciar that I know.” I felt perplexed at his words but he continued.“I am only asking for a little restraint on your behalf.”“Can I think about it?” I brushed my palm over my belly, absently smoothing the silk of my dress.“I need a chance to let this digest.Not only that, but I do have my PI agency to consider.I’m not sure adding extra responsibility as a Tracker will help me in my day job as a PI.”“Of course.” Rodán raised his glass and sipped his wine.I watched the movement of his throat as he swallowed, observed his fluid grace as he set his wine glass on the table.“It is my intention to groom Colin to take a leadership role,” he said.“I would like him to start leading a special ops team.”Warmth spread through me at the sound of Colin’s name.Yet that warmth was followed by the feeling of confusion that had plagued me ever since my break-up with Adam, and Colin’s insistent pursuit of me.Now was not the time to think of either of the two males.Detective Adam Boyd was no longer in my life, and Colin, a Dragon paranorm, wanted me to take things a step further with him.It was times like this, being comfortable with my Drow appearance in this paranorm restaurant, and not worrying about how I looked at night, that made me realize it could never have worked with Adam.I couldn’t look like I did right this moment and be out with him.However, I didn’t have those same reservations with Colin, as far as dating another paranorm went.At this moment there were more pressing things to consider, though, than my love life.“Is Desmond the only new Tracker who you and the GG are considering?” I asked.“I believe Tristan would make an excellent Night Tracker also,” he said.“The Guardian agrees.”“My brother?” I thought about him as a Tracker candidate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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