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.So the physical body/mind is not counted as a separate entity in the list below.This isbecause when the physical body/mind is in the awake state, all reflected copies are fully integratedand contained within it  i.e., they don't exist in this state.[Time lines (memory streams) are shown below as   >   >]            >              >1.Dream mind (reflected copy).First unbroken memory stream recording.Mind-Split #1  Internal Split            >              >2.Etheric mind (master copy).Second unbroken memory stream recording.Mind-Split #2  External Split            >              >3.Real-time mind (reflected copy).Third unbroken memory stream recording.Mind-Split #3  External Split            >              >4.Astral mind (reflected copy).Fourth unbroken memory stream recording.The above shows four completely separate memory streams being simultaneously recorded for asingle time period during an OBE.These are recorded by four identical copies of the same mind,each existing independently on a different dimensional level.The bottom line here is that thephysical brain's final memory for any single time span during an OBE (that final wrinkle) can comefrom more than one source.Any or all of these four reflected aspects of the same mind cancontribute to this final memory.An important point to keep in mind is that the etheric body/mind is so closely enmeshed with thephysical brain that it has much less trouble storing its memories therein.This, in itself, can causeshadow memory recall problems.During the trance state, for example, the center of thinkingconsciousness shifts into the etheric body, thus allowing the physical body to fall sleep.However, ifthe etheric mind stays awake in the trance state, it is capable of recording a single unbrokenmemory stream directly into the physical brain's storage mechanism.Etheric body/mind memories recorded during the trance state continue in a single unbrokenmemory stream.These memories are recorded directly into the physical brain, which, therefore,may not allow the projected double to interfere with previously recorded memories.This wouldinvolve overwriting previously recorded and stored memories (real memories) with anothermemory set for that same time period.This may be unacceptable to the physical brain's memorystorage mechanism.27 If projection occurs during the trance state, and the etheric mind stays fully awake for some timeafter the exit, reentry is crucial and must be handled intelligently to capture and download theprojected double's delicate shadow memories into accessible levels of the brain during reintegration.But projection memories are generally easier to recapture from a tranced or semitranced state than ifthe physical/etheric minds are allowed to enter the deep sleep state.Higher-Level Mind-SplitsMy experience indicates that higher subtle bodies, operating above the astral level, may undergosimilar mind-split processes, and have similar properties, as their lower counterparts.These,however, operate at vastly higher and more abstract levels of consciousness.I do not mean todeliberately complicate matters here (I think I've done enough of that already), but as I am fond ofsaying, "The further away you get from the physical universe, dimensionally speaking, the morebizarre and complicated everything all too soon becomes".This shows, I think, the enormous difficulties inherent to projecting into dimensional levelsabove the astral planes, and of remembering this after the fact.It goes a long way toward explainingwhy projections into the mental and higher dimensions are virtually unheard of.And, let's not forgetthat we are also dealing with multiple copies of the subconscious mind, and multiple altered statesof consciousness.I think there is enough to deal with just studying the lowest levels of the mind-split and of itseffects on OBE and shadow memory storage.The higher levels can be disregarded for now.Anything above the astral planes is pretty much out of the reach of the majority of projectorsanyway.Problems of reintegration and shadow memory recall appear mostly to concern the first twomind-splits.These undoubtedly cause similar problems with higher levels of projection.Allprojection memories, no matter at what level they were gained, must eventually be downloaded intothe physical brain in the same way, in order to form a memory at the base level of consciousness.The complications raised by breaking down the entire mind-split effect from start to finish arestaggering.While it is certainly something to ponder, it is definitely headache material and notentirely relevant to normal levels of projection.28 4.Complications of ConsciousnessFurther examination of the mind-split effect leads to avery interesting concept: that the majorityof people probably succeed at conscious-exit projection when they attempt it, even during veryearly attempts.Those who attempt OBE and feel projection-related symptoms, like the heaviness oftrance, racing heartbeat, vibrations, torso rush, etc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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