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.Practice saying your material over and over with expressions and eventually you will be able to not laugh.4.5 The dreaded `I don't know' Many times you will get crummy answers when eliciting values.This is not because she is stupid or that there are not any deep values.Try to make statements around your questions and provide examples.For instance:What are you passionate about in life? (Good question but many times it will be greeted with a boring, guarded answer) Instead try: I love to learn what excites a person.One of the things that gets me turned on is backpacking in wild regions.I find it adventurous and exhilarating to wonder what is around the corner.Maybe it is a beautiful vista maybe it's a hungry grizzly.So how about you?What's one of your passions?Many times girls will give you lame answers.Do not take them at face value.Probe deeper by leading.4.6 Rapport To achieve a feeling of being very connected to a girl, who you have just met, act as if you are already lovers.Okay, nothing ground breaking.Other people have suggested similar frames.But few have dug deeper and thought about the implications of being and staying in this frame.The first realization should be that you can not ask a girl questions such as, "Where are you from?", "What do you do for a living?" or even "What is your name?”If you know her already, then you would not need these answers.If you ask those questions you will remind her that you are a stranger and rapport will be damaged.Instead, ask questions like, "What would your fantasy vacation be like?" or "What's the story behind the ring you are wearing?”Even better, instead of asking questions, make intimate statements.Talking as if your listener already knows you as well.Do not say, "I have a four year old niece.While visiting me today she did the craziest thing with her bowl of cookie dough ice cream.”No need to inform your listener of your life facts.Re-word to avoid this feel.Instead say, "My four year old niece did the craziest thing with her bowl of cookie dough ice cream.”Bad: "I work for XYZ corporation as a vice president.My office is on the twentieth floor.Today I had a thought….”Better: "I was looking out over the city today at work when I got this feeling that I was connected to all those people …”Do not go out of your way to inform your listener about the facts of your life.Otherwise, you are ruining the illusion that you two already know each other.Now of course your listener will become curious about you and ask questions.When she does, reward her curiosity by being interesting.Her: "What is your nieces name?”You: "Her name is Christine.She was named after my great grandmother.The funny thing is, my great grandmother, back in the thirties, ran an upscale bordello.So when my niece is being rambunctious we call her, Madam Christine.”Be interesting.Give answers that engage her imagination and make her want to know more about you.Your mind frame should not be about holding something back, but instead giving something more than she expects.Something most people are only comfortable giving after they know someone.In general avoid discussing life facts for their own sake - hers or yours.That will only get in the way and degrade rapport.One caution: Women can fall under the spell of this illusion very strongly.They can be aggressive with you in a way they only would with a boyfriend they had been seeing awhile.Make sure they know you are not so easy as to sleep with a woman the first night you met her.Well, at least not until she buys you a couple of drinks and gives you a back massage.:) 4.6.1 Rapport Building Forget mirroring.Forget matching her tone.Girls are typically worried, scared and inhibited.You do not want to be any of those things.This mirroring stuff may work for getting the boss to like you so you get a raise.But it is not what you want to do for seduction.Girls want to be with someone better then them.Show how much better you are.Be interesting and let your body language reinforce your words.This is what you do with your body:On approach: Hands down to the side.Head high and sly smile.When in with a girl: Open posture.Hands reinforcing your words with slow, seductive, broad gestures.Kinoing.Closing and SOIing: Intimately close.Hands kinoing.Mirroring is what she is supposed to do to you.Not the other way around.Be a Leader.mirroring and matching question>what should a person do if the girl is a shy, nervous girl?>should i mirror that?I have to disagree with my good friend Alessandro.You should avoid mirroring a nervous person.You should concentrate on being as comfortable as possible.Mirroring is good for beginners of seduction.It gives guys something to do with their body that they otherwise would not know what to do with.That is a big reason why many guys think mirroring is effective.This is partly an illusion.They are simply not doing stupid random things with their body like they did before mirroring.But much more powerful is to actually learn how to use your body to communicate comfortableness, rapport and relaxation.And use this language to influence her into these states.Here is another way of looking at it:I had a girlfriend who was a serious equestrian.She was an expert at what I talk about.Horses are like girls you just meet, they read a lot about you from your movements and take many of their cues from you.With a nervous horse she had a way of calming it with just her presence - her body language, tone and aura spoke of calm confidence.That's the vibe you need to give off.People really are like horses.Lead them.Approach a nervous girl even more calmly and casually then your normal approach.4.7 Always Trade One of the things that makes a person attractive is that persons ability to show emotions and feelings.And it is not healthy to keep feelings locked up inside.However, it is true that if you tell a girl, "I think you are great and I get a smile on my face every time I think of you." She will lose a little of her attractiveness for you.She knows in that instant that she has you.There is no need to work to attract you at that moment.So you can not do that straight out.But at the same time it is nice to open up and share your feelings.The secret is to trade for it.Never give a girl anything unless she does something for you first.For example:You: "If you give me a back rub I'll tell you a secret.”Her: "I don't care to know your secret.”You: "You will this one.Cause it is about you.”(Playful banter back and forth.She finally gives you a back rub or something else of value) Her: "Okay, what is the secret?”You: (giving her a kiss) "That I get a smile every time I think about you.”This is the dynamic you want.Always trade.That way she knows what she has to do to be loved by you.You make it real easy - give me what I need and I will give you what you need.Otherwise, if you give it for free or under demand, she will never appreciate it.Humans tend to only value that which we feel we have worked for.You can also surprise her and give her something like nice words or a present but always explain why she has earned it."Because you have been so nice to me lately and for that excellent blow job the other night [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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