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.You may also want to bring motion-activated  game cameras, ifavailable.Noah Voss, who owns a Web site devoted to creature-hunt-ing equipment called GetGhostGear.com, advises situating each onewith careful thought toward the target animal s height. There will bean ideal height, angle, and picture-capturing range that is specific foreach camera, says Voss. Your Field Guide to Werewolves 101jGetting an image of something is much more likely when bait isplaced nearby.Some pieces of  ripe chicken, open cans of cat food,or any type of meat that s been allowed to get a little smelly will do.Again, place it so that an animal will have to put itself within camerarange if it wants the treat.SPOOKY SUPPLIESBut what if, as we have discussed in some earlier chapters, these crea-tures really are some type of  paranormal being spirit creatures, assome Native American traditions claim, or true shape-shifters con-jured through magic, or even visitors from another dimension? If so,they aren t likely to do you any physical harm, which is the good news.The bad news is they are not so likely to show up on your cameras.Still, try to take pictures of any unusual phenomena just in case.Andif you are seriously interested in hunting for this type of entity, thenyou may want to invest in a trifield meter, which can measure threetypes of invisible waves: magnetic, electric, and radio/microwave.Most paranormal investigators agree that supernatural phenomenaare associated with enhanced electromagnetic (EM) force; so highEM readings might indicate an area you will want to check out orperhaps steer clear of!In addition, John Michael Greer in his book, Monsters, advisesbringing some sort of sharp iron object, such as a long nail or a silvertip on your walking stick, to jab at any supernatural beings.He notes, A knife, a nail, a sword, or any other sharp iron object, thrust intoa concentration of etheric energy, will cause something not unlikean etheric short-circuit, dispersing the ether and obliterating what-ever patterns may have been present in it. 74 Greer also recommendscarrying a bottle of holy water,  banishing incense, and other aids tothe magic rituals described in his book.All of these recommendations,of course, are strictly subject to your own personal belief system, andare not guaranteed to bring any results. 102 WEREWOLVESiNo one can guarantee, either, that a given person will have theopportunity to witness a werewolf or any other strange creature.Andeven if such an event does occur, prepare for the likelihood that shortof dragging a live specimen back into town with you, it s probable thatno evidence you produce will convince the world that these creaturestruly exist.Also, keep in mind that some witnesses wish, for one rea-son or another, that their encounter had never happened.Confrontingthe unknown can be a very unsettling experience.But for those who believe that something upright and furry doesstalk the woods and cornfields of the civilized and uncivilized world,there may be no alternative but to keep eyes peeled and cameras ready.At this writing, the first confirmed photo of a real-life werewolf is stillwaiting to be taken. Timeline80,000 8,000 BCE Dire wolves existed in North America75,000 First known evidence of early human religious activitiesindicating cult of bear worship10,000 Wild dogs are domesticated6500 The civilization of Catal Huyuk in present-day Asia Minorcreated wall paintings of vulture-priests and of creatures withboth human and animal parts3000 Ancient Egyptians known to worship Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead2000 The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is written, including char-acter Enkidu, a hairy  wild man800 BCE 1200 CE Animal effigy mounds are constructed in Wis-consin and nearby states in the shapes of many creatures impor-tant to tribal lorec.50 Roman writer Petronius writes early werewolf story, The Ban-quet of Trimalchioc.430 St.Patrick is reputed to change a clan of Irishmen intowerewolves1200 Swedish historian Snorri Sturluson writes of berserkers,warriors who wore bear and wolf skins into battle and fought likeenraged animals1484 Pope Innocent VIII issues a proclamation giving power tohunt and kill witches1486 The Malleus Maleficarum, or  Witch Hammer, is published,not only including the pope s decree but spelling out offenses andpunishments for accused witches, shape-shifters, and sorcerers103i j 104 WEREWOLVESic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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