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.Only THE fish knows the fishes heart.and even then it does not Know."I'm just assuming that, being of my kind, you're not any closer to a fish than Iam."Get any book for free on: www.Abika.com ZEN STORIES TO TELL YOUR NEIGHBOURS46"The fish in this story doesn't actually exist because, according to our spiritualleader Aristotle, all fish in this world are only imperfect copies of a sublime fishin a different world.""This reminds me of some time spent in Scotland learning to fly fish.The secretto catching fish is to think like a fish.Disembodiment is the answer and the Taoof being the fish.""does a fish have buddha nature?""I read an article in a fly-fishing magazine where the author (a zen philosophername Lefty Kreh, I believe) said that you catch the fish by setting the hook just*before* you feel the strike.It took about four years of active contemplation at alocal trout stream before I understand what he meant well enough do this with anyconsistency.Perhaps Chuang Tzu had spent more time at the trout stream than hisfriend.""The story is about the fundamental problem that has been treated by all bigreligions and philosphers.It is the question of the relationship between subjectand object.Logically we will not be able to tackle this "everlasting" problem, butmaybe there other ways.""To think like a fish, you have to drink like a fish""If these guys were enlightened, wouldn't they just enjoy the fish without trying tofigure out what the fish, or each other, are thinking? Would these guys be thinkingat all? Come to think of it, if I'm enlightened, why am I thinking about this? Andif I'm a fish, who is wondering if I'm enjoying this experience? Myself? Can Istand on the bank and watch myself as if I'm a fish?""Read Lord Alexander's 'The remarkable Journey of Prince Jen'! This story andthe butterfly dream shows up there and the whole book is about enlightenment!""We each have our own individual perceptions of reality.""Chuang Tzu is not his friend, how can he know that his friend does not know?But I am not Chuang Tzu, how do I know that Chuang Tzu does not know that hisfriend does not know?"Learning the Hard WayThe son of a master thief asked his father to teach him the secrets of theGet any book for free on: www.Abika.com ZEN STORIES TO TELL YOUR NEIGHBOURS47trade.The old thief agreed and that night took his son to burglarize a largehouse.While the family was asleep, he silently led his young apprentice into aroom that contained a clothes closet.The father told his son to go into thecloset to pick out some clothes.When he did, his father quickly shut the doorand locked him in.Then he went back outside, knocked loudly on the frontdoor, thereby waking the family, and quickly slipped away before anyonesaw him.Hours later, his son returned home, bedraggled and exhausted."Father," he cried angrily, "Why did you lock me in that closet? If I hadn'tbeen made desperate by my fear of getting caught, I never would haveescaped.It took all my ingenuity to get out!" The old thief smiled."Son, youhave had your first lesson in the art of burglary."People's reactions to this story:"This is the sink-or-swim method of teaching someone.In the face of fear, people do things theynever thought possible.People are a lot stronger than they give themselves credit for.""A challenge brings out the most in a man.""Your mind works best and fastest when you have your back to the wall.It's the old fight-or-flight response.It's basic instinct.""This is how I learned to speak English.As a five year old, I found myself in a class whereeveryone spoke English except me.Had I just tried to learn English on my own, I would neverhave learned as fast.This is why foreign language courses in this country are unsuccessful.""The best way to respect and appreciate what one has accomplished is by learning it the hardway and doing it on one's own.""There is, of course, no better way to teach than to force one to teach oneself.""When we learn from a master, we learn by imitation.When we learn on our own, we REALLYlearn.""In some lifestyles a man has to stand on his own.Even his own father may not be there to helphim.""When my cousin was learning to skate, she first practiced falling down so she would know howto do it and what it felt like BEFORE it happened for real [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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