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.""You seem a mere girl.""Physics majors can be girls-I mean, women-too." Sky looked past the foreignminister suddenly."Hey, I know you! You're that over-thirty TV anchor-pig.You helped me build a neutron bomb that got me into all that trouble.Tellthem."All eyes turned to Don Cooder."It's true," he said carefully."I know this gal.She stiffed me.I helped herbuild a neutron bomb for demonstration purposes and she left town beforeairtime.We had to show a repeat." He made it sound like a leg amputation.Maddas Hinsein interjected himself into this exchange with a gruff question.The foreign minister leaned over to explain the exchange.While they huddled, Sky Bluel folded her arms."For your information," shewhispered to Don Cooder, "I was kidnapped.A lot of bad things happened.PalmSprings was almost wiped out.Someone died.And worst of all, I had to leavethe country.My parents packed me off to Paris to study.""My heart bleeds," said Don Cooder acidly.Presently the foreign minister lifted his iron-gray head out of the huddle."You can build a neutron bomb?" he asked."If you got some tritium lying around, some beryllium oxide for the tamperplastique.Oh, yeah, and steel for a combat casing.""We do.But why would you do this for Irait? You are an American.""That's the groovy part," Sky said excitedly."The U.S.has nukes all aroundyou, right?""This is true.""So I build you a few neutron bombs, and presto-instant balance of power.Theycan't nuke you and you can't nuke them."This kernel of invincible logic was passed on to Maddas Hinsein.His moistbrown eyes went to the girl's innocent face.A crafty smile came over hisfleshy caramel visage.He whispered in the foreign minister's ear.Page 65 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe foreign minister bestowed his most disarming smile on Sky Bluel."Our Precious Leader," he said smoothly, "he sees the wisdom of your point ofview.He wishes to know how soon you can build these peace-ensuring devicesfor us.""Oh, a week," said Sky."Maybe a month.Depends on what I have to work with.""I thought you were antinuclear," Don Cooder whispered."I am.But I'm more antiwar.Listen: No blood for oil! USA out of HamidiArabia!" She lowered her voice."Do I sound like Jane Fonda, or what?""You sound 'or what,' " Don Cooder snapped."Definitely."When Sky Bluel's words were translated, Maddas Hinsein's grin broadened.Heclapped his hands loudly.He spoke at great length.The foreign minister spoke next."Our Precious Leader has decided to put this to a vote in true democraticfashion.All in favor of delaying further military action in favor of buildingneutron bombs, say yes.""I'm voting no," said Vice-President Jackman."Me too," Don Cooder chimed in."This is ridiculous.""All opposed will be issued service pistols along with one bullet.""Why only one?" asked Cooder."Because when one wishes to commit suicide by pistol," he was told, "onebullet is all that is necessary.""I vote yes," Cooder said instantly.Vice-President Jackman raised an eager hand."Make that two yeses."In point of fact, it was unanimous.This impressed Sky Bluel."Wow! Ho Chi Minh's got nothing on you!"As the foreign minister led Sky Bluel from the room, she asked a question inan uncertain voice."That stuff about suicide.That was a joke, right?""In Abominadad, we are always cutting up.I myself often thank Allah forproviding us with a sense of humor second to none in the Arab world."And the foreign minister smiled like a piranha eyeing legs in the water.Chapter 34A day passed.Two.Three.A week.Two weeks.As the world held its breath, America's industrial might geared up for themilitary mission destined to go down in the pages of history as OperationDynamic Eviction.An Ogden, Utah, factory went to around-the-clock shifts, turning outflamingo-pink butyl rubber gasproof suits outfitted with what appeared to becorkscrew antennas in the seat area.No one knew why [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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