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."Dixie Mae nodded.Starting out fresh.For dozens of runs to come, where therewould be nothing after that first week at Customer Support, and putting upwith boorish Victor, and never knowing.And then she smiled."But every time we get through to Dan and Rob, we leave alittle more.Every time they see us, they have a year to think.And it s allhappening a thousand times faster thanOl Gerry can think.We really are the cookie monsters.And someday " Somedaywe ll be coming for you, Gerry.And it will be sooner than you can dream.file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Vernor%20Vinge%20-%20The%20Cookie%20Monster.txt (34 of 34) [10/18/2004 5:34:23 PM]Page 35 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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