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.Looking around, I noticedwith some satisfaction that the din seemed to be quieting downsomewhat.Then I realized that this was not because we weregetting closer to the palace, but rather because we were cominginto a much older and dirtier part of town.People were much less outgoing there, keeping tothemselves and glancing furtively around as they hurried abouttheir business.The clothing was much darker and drabber,mostly in the older styles that I was used to, although the menstill wore the high boots and the women's dresses were stillbell-shaped.The shops and buildings on either side of the roadseemed darker and older, too.I didn't like it here nearly asmuch.In fact, it put me more on edge.All of a sudden, there was a loud barking, and a dog ranseemingly out of nowhere in front of the cart.The old horsestarted and reared up.Dante yelled and attempted to getcontrol of the reins, but it only served to frighten the horsemore.He turned back and forth, as if assaulted by an imaginaryforce, and then turned too sharply for the cart to handle andbolted down a side road.I felt the cart tipping and stood as fast as I could, but it wastoo late to do anything.I heard Dante yelling at me to jump, andI did so, propelling myself as far as I could from the careeningcart.I landed with a heavy thud and felt several of my bonesinstantly bruise, but I didn't think anything was broken.Iwhipped my head around, trying to orient myself, and then felt30 | J.K.Pendragon  The Fairy Gift a sharp, warm pain on the back of my head.I reached my handback and felt warm liquid.Then everything went dark, and Islipped out of consciousness.I awoke to throbbing pain.At first, I couldn't localize it,only knowing that it was constant and on my back.Then, as Ibegan to regain some semblance of consciousness, I realizedthat something was dragging along my back.I awoke further torealize that it was, in fact, I who was being dragged along theground by my arms, which seemed to be tied together.I moaned, and whoever was dragging me stopped andwalked over to me.Opening my swollen eyes, I was able tomake out two figures, all dressed in black.One leaned over me.He had a sunken, dark face and a short, scraggly black beard."Oy," he said to the other in an accent I had never heardbefore."He's awake.""So put him out again!" came the voice of the other man,and then there was a sharp pain on my forehead, and I wasgone.When I awoke again, I was mercifully still and lying on myback.My hands were still bound, and I realized that my mouthwas gagged, as well.I opened my eyes, even more swollen now,and looked around.It was dark and it seemed as though I was inan alley somewhere.I thought I could hear the ocean.The manwho I had seen before was sitting propped up against somesacks.I stirred, and when he saw that I was awake, he smiled."Oh, hello! Good morning! Or rather not." He had a crueland slippery way of talking, and I disliked him greatly."Hopeyou're comfortable," he continued."Enjoy it.Slave ships arenotorious for their lack of hospitality." He must have seen thepanic in my eyes, because he laughed, and said, "You didn't31 | J.K.Pendragon  The Fairy Gift know? You're to be sold as a slave.There's good money forslaves, down south.And you're a prime specimen."I struggled, my mind whirling with panic, and he laughedagain and looked away.I lay there, trying to think of some way,any way to escape.But my bonds were tight, and I couldn'tmove.I remembered the last time I had been unable to moveand how different that had been, and then I thought of Draedenand his saying, "There is your gift.The Power of Seduction.It isimmensely useful.Use it well."My stomach dropped, leaving behind an empty, curdlingfeeling.But I knew what I had to do.I blinked my eyes a fewtimes, making sure they were clear, then, ignoring the disgustwithin me, I drew up the full extent of my powers and pulled onthe repulsive man's consciousness until he looked at me, and Iunleashed my power upon him.He started a little, sliding downward, and then caughthimself.He was staring at me, his eyes wide.Come here, I tried to tell him, and although he couldn'tpossibly hear me, he obeyed.He got up and walked toward me.Then he knelt in front of me with a look of shock on his face.Take out my gag, I ordered, and again, he obeyed, althoughhesitantly.I could tell that he really wanted to see the rest ofmy face, because when the gag came loose, he smiledlecherously and touched a finger to my lips."You want me," I said, ignoring the sick feeling that camewith the statement, forcing it down as best I could rather well,I thought, considering the circumstances.He nodded, his face a picture of greedy lust.His handsreached for me."Wait," I said."Untie me."But his hands were working at my waistband, struggling toundo the clasp of my belt.I realized that he didn't consider myhands being free a necessity at all."Hey!" I exclaimed."Look at me!" His eyes snapped up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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