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.32the preparation for, prevention of, deterrence of, preemption of,defense against, and response to threats and aggression directedUS Northern Command (NorthCom)towards US territory, sovereignty, domestic population, and infra-Northern Command (NorthCom) based at Peterson Air Forcestructure; as well as crisis management, consequence management,Base, Colorado, was set up in April 2002 in the context of  the pre-and other domestic civil support.35emptive war on terrorism.NorthCom is said to have a  Creeping Civilian Mission.36 SinceThe creation of NorthCom is consistent with the de facto repealits inception, it has been building capabilities in domestic intelli-of the Posse Comitatus Act.In fact, the position of Homelandgence and law enforcement.It is in permanent liaison with theDefense Command  in the event of a terrorist attack on US soil ,DHS and the Justice Department.It has several hundred FBI andhad already been envisaged in early 1999 by Clinton s DefenseCIA officers stationed at its headquarters in Colorado.37 It is inSecretary William Cohen.33 316 America s  War on Terrorism Big Brother: Towards the Homeland Security State 317permanent liaison, through an advanced communications system, Taken together, the existing legislation grants the military exten-with municipalities and domestic civilian law enforcement agen- sive rights to intervene in any  emergency situation , and, in prac-cies around the country.38 Moreover, the CIA, which has a unit tice, without the prior approval of the Commander in Chief.operating out of NorthCom, has extended its mandate to issues of Upon the creation of Northern Command in April 2002, domestic intelligence.Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced unilaterally thatIn the case of a national emergency, Northern Command would NorthCom would have jurisdiction over the entire North Americandeploy its forces in the air, land and sea.Several functions of civil- region.ian government would be transferred to NorthCom headquarters, Canada and Mexico were presented with a fait accompli.Thewhich already has structures which enable it to oversee and super-  War on Terrorism was the main justification of this restructur-vise civilian institutions.ing of the North-American defense structures.NorthCom s  command structure would be activated in the US Northern Command s jurisdiction as outlined by the UScase of a Code Red terror alert.In accordance with the provisions Department of Defense includes, in addition to the continentalof the 1999 Defense Authorization Act (DAA), however, NorthCom US, all of Canada, Mexico, as well as portions of the Caribbean,does not require a terror alert, an attack or a war-like situation to contiguous waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans up to 500 milesintervene in the country s civilian affairs.off the Mexican, US and Canadian coastlines as well as the CanadianThe Center for Law and Military Operations, based in Arctic.Charlottesville, Virginia has published a  useful Handbook enti- NorthCom s stated mandate is to  provide a necessary focus fortled  Domestic Operational Law for Judge Advocates, which pre- [continental] aerospace, land and sea defenses, and critical sup-pares for new  law enforcement missions for the Military.port for [the] nation s civil authorities in times of national need. 42According to Frank Morales, the Handbook: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is said to have boasted that:attempts to solidify, from a legal standpoint, Pentagon penetration NorthCom with all of North America as its geographic com-of America and it s  operations other than war, essentially providing mand  is part of the greatest transformation of the Unifiedthe US corporate elite with lawful justification for its class war against Command Plan [UCP] since its inception in 1947. 43the American people, specifically those that resist the  new worldFollowing Canada s refusal to join NorthCom, a high-level so-law and order agenda.39called  consultative Bi-National Planning Group (BPG), operat-In other words,  the  war on terrorism is the cover for the waring out of the Peterson Airforce base in Colorado, was set up inon dissent.40late 2002, with a mandate to  prepare contingency plans to respondto [land and sea] threats and attacks, and other major emergen-North-American Integrationcies in Canada or the United States.44The jurisdiction of the Northern Command now extends fromFollowing consultations between Washington and Ottawa, bi-Mexico to Alaska.Under bi-national agreements signed withnational  military contingency plans were established, which couldCanada and Mexico, Northern Command can intervene and deploybe activated in the case of a terror attack or  threat.its forces and military arsenal on land, air and sea in CanadaUnder the so-called Civil Assistance Plan (CAP), NorthCom is(extending into its Northern territories), throughout Mexico andto assist civilian governmental bodies such as municipalities inin parts of the Caribbean.41both the US and Canada 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