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.Subtitle C Commission and InformationSec.141.Commission of Legal Immigration Reform.(a) Establishment and Composition of Commission. (1) Ef-fective October 1, 1991, there is established a Commission on Le-gal Immigration Reform.which shall be composed of 9 mem-bers to be appointed as follows:(A) One member who shall serve as Chairman, to be ap-pointed by the President.(B) Two members to be appointed by the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives.(C) Two members to be appointed by the Minority Leaderof the House.(D) Two members to be appointed by the Majority Leaderof the Senate.(E) Two members appointed by the Minority Leader of theSenate.Title III Family Unity and Temporary Protected StatusSec.301.Family Unity.(a) Temporary Stay of Deportation and Work Authorizationfor Certain Eligible Immigrants.The Attorney General shall provide that in the case of analien who is an eligible immigrant.who has entered theUnited States before [May 5, 1988], who has resided in theUnited States on such date, and who is not lawfully admittedfor permanent residence, the alien(1) may not be deported.and.shall be granted author-ization to engage in employment(2) The term  legalized alien means an alien lawfullyadmitted for temporary or permanent residence who wasprovided(A) such under section 210 of the Immigration and Nation-ality Act;(B) temporary or permanent residence status under section245A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or(C) permanent residence status under section 202 of the Im-migration Reform and Control Act of 1986. California s Proposition 187 161California s Proposition 187 (1994)Despite the national legislation intended to curb illegal immigration,the size of that flow seemed unabated, and the political pressure to domore to address the problem increased during the 1990s.States that re-ceived the largest number of legal and illegal immigrants California,Florida, and Texas sued the federal government in their respectivefederal district courts for the billions of dollars that they estimated theywere having to pay in extra costs for education, health care, and law en-forcement for illegal immigrants and their children.In 1994, Californiaalso attempted to legislatively reduce the draw of its economy and serv-ices and to  send a message to Congress by passing an anti-immigra-tion initiative commonly referred to as Proposition 187.It is presentedbelow in full.Section 1.Findings and DeclarationThe People of California find and declare as follows:That they have suffered and are suffering economic hard-ship by the presence of illegal aliens in the state.That they havesuffered and are suffering personal injury and damage by thecriminal conduct of illegal aliens in the state.That they have aright to the protection of their government from any person orpersons entering this country unlawfully.Therefore, the People of California declare their intention toprovide for cooperation between their agencies of state and localgovernment with the federal government, and to establish a sys-tem of required notification by and between such agencies toprevent illegal aliens in the United States from receiving benefitsor public services in the State of California.Section 2.Manufacture, Distribution or Sale of False Citi-zenship or Resident Alien Documents: Crime and Punishment.Section 113.Is added to the Penal Code, to read:Section 113.Any person who manufactures, distributes orsells false documents to conceal the true citizenship or residentalien status of another is guilty of a felony and shall be pun-ished by imprisonment in the state prison for five years or by afine of seventy-five thousand dollars.Section 3.Use of False Citizenship or Resident Alien Docu-ments: Crime and Punishment.Section 114.Is added to the Penal Code, to read:Section 114.Any person who uses false documents to con-ceal his or her true citizenship or resident alien status is guilty of 162 Key Laws and Court Casesa felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a stateprison for five years or by a fine of twenty-five thousanddollars.Section 4.Law Enforcement Cooperation with INS.Section 834b is added to the Penal Code, to read:Section 834b.(a) Every law enforcement agency in Califor-nia shall fully cooperate with the United States Immigration andNaturalization Service regarding any person who is arrested ifhe or she is suspected of being present in the United States in vi-olation of federal immigration laws.(b) With respect to any such person who is arrested, andsuspected of being present in the United States in violation offederal immigration laws, every law enforcement agency shalldo the following:(1).Attempt to verify the legal status of such person as a cit-izen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted as a perma-nent resident, an alien lawfully admitted for a temporary periodof time or as an alien who is present in the United States in vio-lation of immigration laws.The verification process may in-clude, but shall not be limited to, questioning the person regard-ing his or her date and place of birth and entry into the UnitedStates, and demanding documentation to indicate his or her le-gal status.(2).Notify the person of his or her apparent status as analien who is present in the United States in violation of federalimmigration laws and inform him or her that, apart from anycriminal justice precedings [sic], he or she must obtain legal sta-tus or leave the United States.(3) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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