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.The problem was, after a few glasses of almost any alcoholic substance, one got thevery human buzz of happiness, carefree and inebriated judgment.If one wasn t careful,or didn t have close friends nearby to give a warning, one simply carried along,partying and drinking up a storm, and totally forgot all rational trains of thought.Rational thoughts, such as to stop drinking before one spent the rest of the weekpuking the entirety of one s stomach up to get the alcohol out of your overtaxed system. Vasili? Rylan said aloud, nearly choking on his laughter,  I do believe he is stillseriously hungover from having too fun a time at the Vamp D and D Ball.Michael looked askance at Rylan. You are a brilliant friend, Ry.I can see howsympathetic you are for his plight and how you must have bent over backwardsattempting to help and console your supposed best friend.Rylan merely shrugged. I lost track of him rather early in the evening.Before I lefthe seemed rather buzzed, and I reminded him not to go too far.He certainly didn tseem seriously inebriated or I d have carted him home myself.Simeon could hear the truth in his twin s words and knew his brother wouldn thave left their very good friend alone if he had thought he was overimbibing. He insisted he was fine, Rylan continued,  practically growled at me to stoptreating him like a virgin on his first night on the town, and so I let him be.When Istopped over late the next morning he was just saying goodbye to a particularly lovelylooking redhead.Twenty minutes later he began to puke his guts up and he threw mefrom the lodgings.He hasn t been answering my comms since no matter what theprovocation.Simeon shrugged.He felt a large pang of pity for his good friend, but he himselfhad been dealing with a number of issues of his own.He had taken home two veryappealing vampiresses, had indulged in an evening of sex unlike any other, and still notfound the true comfort and satisfaction he had been searching for lately.He hadn t wanted to share his troubles with his twin, or even Vasili, excellent friendthat he was.Since Simeon himself couldn t put his finger on exactly what was nagginghim he didn t want to worry his siblings or friend.Nor did he particularly relish thethought of their ribbing, either.He pushed the worry and thoughts he no longer wanted to mull over anymorefrom his head.He focused more on the tasks at hand.It certainly beat attempting to48 Heated Fantasiessearch his soul for the cause of his restlessness.Months hadn t helped so it could wait atleast a few more weeks while he searched for his father. Well, it s been nearly a week now that s how long it usually takes him to recoverfrom the few binges I ve been privy to, Simeon replied briskly. Should we check inwith him? Or start this search for Gav ourselves? he questioned, looking from Rylan toMichael.When Rylan also stood up, the brothers unconsciously all began to circle together,drawing strength from one another, and began to brainstorm to consider the situationmore seriously. So you don t know where Gav was heading, Si? Michael said carefully,  I justfind it odd.I mean, the old man usually leaves word with you he knows how muchyou fret over him.Simeon rolled his eyes, amused and annoyed simultaneously. Oh please! And like Gav doesn t talk to you just as frequently.Michael nodded his head curtly, acknowledging the truth of his words. Well, you know he is usually out of communication when he goes on one of hishunts, Michael continued logically. You know what he s like when he has some ideaor is following a thread of something. For more than two months? Simeon challenged, tilting his head at an angle.Michael raised his eyebrow and merely leaned casually against the wall. He really hasn t sent any messages or communicated along the family links toeither of you? I thought he was pissy with me for the last rhetorical argument we had.Ididn t realize he d blocked the entire family line.When both brothers shook their heads, Michael took a deep breath and stood upstraight. Well then, I think we should get in touch with Vasili, just to be certain Gav hasn tcontacted him recently either.I can t think why the old man would contact Vas and notone of us, but we would look like complete fools if he had left word with Vas and ourdear friend has simply been too hungover to let us know.I don t care how unlikely it is,that really should be our first port of call. What I want to know, Rylan piped up,  is where should we look? It s not as if wecan traipse around the galaxy searching randomly for him.Simeon blinked.Sure, he had been worried, and certainly he had wanted to knocksome sense into his twin and ask Michael for his opinion.But he hadn t thought farenough ahead to have a decent suggestion as to what they should do and where theyshould begin their search. I ll go comm Vas, he said as the three of them merely looked blankly at oneanother. I ll see if he s amongst the living again and whether Gav has left word withhim.You guys hash out what we can do.49 Elizabeth LapthorneHeading out the door and down the corridor, Simeon smiled to himself.He had noidea what wild ideas his brothers would come up with, but between Rylan and Michaelhe knew it would almost certainly prove to be interesting.50 Heated FantasiesChapter Five This had better be bloody oh, it s you, Si.I thought you were Rylan, hassling meagain.What s up, mate?Simeon schooled his features into what he hoped resembled his normal, merelycasual interest.He had an awful time not howling with laughter.Vasili usually was anincredibly tidy man.His black hair, even when he rose from bed in the mornings, wasalways impeccably groomed, running in dark waves to his shoulders, each and everycurl ruthlessly tamed and looking neat.Simeon couldn t remember the last time Vas dark green eyes hadn t held a twinkleof mischief in them.The man always seemed to be holding a joke inside him.Today, however, even though it was early afternoon, his good friend had obviouslybeen roused from his bed by the comm, and his hair was a curly mess, strands frizzingout in every direction.The green eyes, although clear, seemed drawn and tired and notat all the usually happy color Si had become used to over the many years of friendship. Wow, Vas, Simeon teased his friend,  Ry warned me you had been on a bender.Do you want me to come over and hold your hand? You look like shit, mate. I ve heard more than enough from your twin, Vasili replied grouchily. I thoughtyou were the nicer one? It must be bloody important for you to be hassling me.Iwanted at least another six hours sleep to recuperate before I faced the world, and anyof you Montagues particularly. Sorry, Vas, Simeon apologized with only a small level of contrition. But thisreally is important.We haven t heard from Gav, not since he told us he was heading outover two months ago.Neither Ry nor Mike have heard anything from him.We werehoping maybe he contacted you just before the D and D Ball and inyour& err& recuperation had merely forgotten to mention it?Pale and exhausted as his friend looked, Simeon could easily tell his words worriedVasili [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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