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.`Oh, but Ihaven't finished yet,' he said in a return to his previously drawling tone.`As it happens, I've only juststarted.'`So what else did you want to say?' Wary green eyes held provoking blue.`Nothing much,' he shrugged idly, and then followed it with a totally unanticipated tug on her arm thathad her tumbling helplessly down on top of him.`They say actions speak louder than words, don't they?'he murmured as his lips, firm and compelling, came down on hers before she had an opportunity torecover.With her head imprisoned against his shoulder and one arm pinned against his chest, Sheri could onlyfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20al.0time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txt (80 of 84)05/05/2010 14:45:45 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txtstruggle feebly to avoid his persuasive touch.Her efforts to retain control of her senses were no less alosing battle either as they reeled beneath the onslaught of feeling he aroused within her, and finally shestopped trying.It just wasn't possible to fight both him and herself-not when she loved him as much asshe did-and neither did it even seem to matter that he would probably be back in Nerissa's armstomorrow, because her whole being had suddenly become attuned solely to here and now!She wanted to experience again the thrill of his exploring hands, the warm caress of his mouth as ittrailed across her heated and responsive skin, and to be able to touch him in return.With shaking fingersshe undid the top buttons of his shirt and tentatively slid her hand inside to savour the feel of hisconvulsively tautening flesh, the soft curling hairs of his chest, and to slowly explore the powerfullymuscled width of his shoulders.Shuddering, Roman raised his head slowly, his eyes heavy with a smouldering desire that was matchedin hers as they locked, and he unhurriedly unfastened her shirt to expose her bare, swelling breasts to hisgaze.It was only then that Sheri remembered she hadn't bothered with a bra in her urgency to dress thatmorning, but although her throat constricted involuntarily, still she made no move to cover herself, andwhen he caressed her breasts to an aching need and lowered his head to draw a rosy, jutting nipple intohis warm mouth, she knew an exquisite torment that was entirely new to her and which had hertrembling compulsively.Roman caught her to him even more closely and pressed his lips to the rapidly beating hollow of herthroat.`Dear God, Sheriff' he ejaculated hoarsely.`What are you trying to do to me? You can't possiblymean to go back to Sydney after this!'Sheri closed her eyes in despair.So what did he expect her to do? Share him with Nerissa? `I'm s-sorry,but I don't believe in three-way relationships,' she just managed to get out.His head lifted swiftly, his eyes narrowing.`You mean, with this Todd of yours?' he demanded tightly.`No! I mean with that Nerissa of yours, of course!' she sobbed, and averted her head as tears beganflowing uncontrollably down her cheeks.`Oh, hell, love!' he groaned achingly, turning her face back to his with gentle but inexorable fingers.`Can't you tell when a man's in love with you.and only you? Nerissa means nothing to me.Good lord,how could you possibly even begin to think otherwise after the trouble she's caused? Besides,' his lipsslanted wryly, `I broke off with her-permanently-when you agreed to go to the Ball with me.I guess Imust have known even then that no matter what happened, I wouldn't be wanting to escort her anywhereagain.'For a time Sheri could only gaze up at him wonderingly, hardly daring to believe the avowal she had solonged to hear.There was so much she wanted to say that it was difficult to decide where to begin, butfirst, she realised, she had to get Nerissa out of the way once and for all.`That isn't what you told me,though,' she part frowned, part accused bewilderedly.`So I strained the truth a little,' he confessed with a slow, captivating grin.`I wouldn't have wanted acertain saucy redhead believing it was going to be that easy to commandeer all my time, now would I?''Oh!' she smiled mistily, ruefully.`And is that also why you sought her out at the Ball?''Uh-uh, I didn't seek her out, she called me over,' he corrected her assumption drily.`And I could hardlyrefuse to speak to her.'`You didn't have to look quite so pleased about it, though, did you?'`If I did, I must be a better actor than I thought, then, because I certainly wasn't feeling particularlypleased about it at the time,' he half laughed.file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20al.0time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txt (81 of 84)05/05/2010 14:45:45 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txtA disclosure that cheered his listener considerablyuntil another point came to mind that had her eyesclouding doubtfully again.`Nor did you look terribly disturbed on discovering Nerissa was the onebehind all our present troubles,' she recalled.`Not like what you had to say when you thought I was atfault.'Roman's arms tightened about her possessively.`Because it hurt like hell to think you might have beenresponsible,' he revealed in a deepening voice.`When I realised you weren't, I was just so damnedrelieved I didn't really care much about anything else.'With the last of her worries disposed of, the curve of Sheri's mouth widened delightfully.`I thought youmight have been flattered by the lengths she was prepared to go to in the hope of splitting us up,' sheowned with a ruefully apologetic look.`Flattered by them?' His disbelieving return glance spoke volumes.`I'd like to flatten her for them! Shecame all too close to achieving her aim for my liking!'For Sheri's too, and she nestled closer.`But what will happen with regard to all the damage she's done?'she questioned thoughtfully.`Unfortunately, nothing, I guess,' he sighed.`Knowing something, and being able to prove it are twocompletely different things, I'm afraid, and in this instance I suspect it would be nigh on impossible.'`Then what's to stop her continuing?' The thought had her biting at her lip apprehensively.`Our marriage!' his reply came promptly, tenderly.`I doubt even Nerissa could fail to get the messagethen!' Pausing, his eyes filled with an evocative warmth.`And what a perfect reason for not waiting amoment longer than we absolutely have to!'An answering glow appeared in the depths of Sheri's emerald eyes and she wound her arms adoringlyabout his neck.`Oh, Roman, I love you, I love you!' she breathed fervently.`I don't think I could livewithout you now!'`Don't worry, princess, there's no way I'm likely to let that happen,' he reassured her in throaty tones [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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