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.54.How David [the King of Ethiopia] Prophesied and Saluted ZionAnd King [David] came and stood up before Zion, and he saluted it,and made obeisance thereto, and said,  O Lord God of Israel, to Thee bepraise, because Thou doest Thy Will and not the will of men.Thou makestthe wise man to forget his wisdom, and Thou destroyest the counsel of thecounsellor, and Thou raisest the poor man from the depth, and Thou settestthe sole of his foot upon a strong rock.For a full cup of glory is in Thy handfor those who love Thee, and a full cup of shame for those who hate Thee.As for us, our salvation shall go forth out of Zion, and He shall remove sinfrom His people, and goodness and mercy shall be poured out in all theworld.For we are the work of His hands, and who shall rebuke us if Heloveth us as Israel His people? And who shall reprove Him if He raiseth usup to heaven His throne? For death and life are from Him, and glory anddishonour are in His hand, He hath the power to punish and to multiplyHis compassion, and He can be wroth and multiply His mercy, for it is Hewho trieth the heart and the reins.He giveth and He taketh away, Heplanteth and He uprooteth.He buildeth up and He throweth down.Hebeautifieth and He deformeth; for everything belongeth to Him, andeverything is from Him, and everything existeth in Him.And as for thee, OTabernacle of the Law of God, salvation be whither thou goest, and fromthe place whence thou goest forth; salvation be in the house and in thefield, salvation be here and be there, salvation be in the palace and in thelowly place, salvation be on the sea and on the dry land, salvation be in themountains and in the hills, salvation be in the heavens and on the earth,salvation be ill the firm grounds and in the abysses, salvation be in deathand in life, salvation be in thy coming and in thy going forth, salvation beto our children and to the tribe of thy people, salvation be in thy countriesand in thy cities, salvation be to the kings and to the nobles, salvation be to69 Kebra Nagastthe plants and to the fruits, salvation be to men and to beasts, salvation beto the birds and to the creeping things of the earth; be salvation, be anintercessor, and a merciful one, and have regard for thy people.Be unto usa wall, and we will be unto thee a fence; be thou a king unto us and we willbe thy people; be thou a guide unto us and we will follow after thee.Andbe not impatient, and mark not closely, and be not angry at the multitudeof our sins, for we are a people who have not the Law, and who have notlearned Thy praise.And from this time forward guide us, and teach us,and make us to have understanding, and make us to have wisdom that wemay learn Thy praise.And Thy name shall be praised by us at all times,and all the day, and every day, and every night, and every hour, and all thelength of time.Give us power that we may serve Thee.Rise up, Zion, andput on thy strength, and conquer thine enemies, and give us strength, ourqueen, and put thou to shame those who hate thee, and make to rejoicethose who love thee.And then he made a circuit and said,  Behold Zion, behold salvation,behold the one who rejoiceth, behold the splendour like the sun, behold theone adorned with praise, behold the one who is decorated like a bride, notwith the apparel of fleeting glory, but the one who is decorated with theglory and praise which are from God, whom it is meet that [men] shall lookupon with desire and shall not forsake; whom [men] shall desire above allthings and shall not reject; whom [men] shall love willingly and shall nothate; whom [men] shall approach willingly and shall not keep afar off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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