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.The click of the lock was loud.I waited for the sound of his first step on the hardwood beforebolting. Blood and DestinyTwo steps into the upstairs kitchen he caught me.Strong arms wrapped around my waist and he spunme around in a circle.I yelped when he tossed me in the air and set me on the counter.My hands fellinstinctively to his shoulders.We stood grinning like fools until he leaned in to kiss me gently.What started as innocent joy grew hot despite my best intentions.Marcus broke the kiss like a divercoming up for air.I opened my eyes to take him in while I tried to reconnect my scrambled wits.Mystomach growled again and we both started laughing. Sit right there and I ll see what s lurking in your refrigerator. Oh, don t do that.You spend entirely too much time when you decide to go all gourmet.I don t wantto starve to death before you finish.There s microwave lasagna in the freezer.Five minutes and I m fed.Infact, if you re taking over the kitchen, I m hitting the shower.The sooner I m fed and clean, the sooner Ican sleep.I didn t hop off the counter, though.I watched as he opened the freezer, made a face and moved to thefridge.He finally glanced over the door and caught me looking. Go clean up and I ll have something edible waiting when you re done.There was a promise of more than food in his face that sent a warm flush through my entire body.Taking the escape while I had it, I headed to the bathroom.The shower was hot against my skin and stung the raw flesh on my wrist.Shifting hadn t helped that,but then again, healing between forms was never a guarantee.I remembered every moment with Marcus inthe car while I went through the motions of getting clean.When I turned off the shower, the only thing Icould smell on my skin was the cherry-blossom scent of the soap.Standing in my closet, I reached past my everyday clothes for the silk chemise hanging way in theback.The matching robe made me feel decadent.I pulled my hair into a braid and was ready to face theworld or rather, one very sexy vampire.There was food on my table that had not been in my apartment when I d gone to the shower.Steakshadn t been on the menu since I d started eating alone.Steamed vegetables and a salad completed the meal.It was a masterpiece. How? Staff, dearest.There s nothing to be done with what you call food so I made a call.You need redmeat to help you recover from your poor handling last night.Eat, enjoy, so we can go to bed. To sleep.I reminded him more to remind myself.The way he smiled back told me he knew it.He held out thechair for me and patted it invitingly.I took the offer for what it was and slid into the seat.The first bite washeaven and there was no way I was going to finish it all, but I gave it my best effort. There s dessert in the refrigerator. It ll have to wait.You re going to have to carry me to bed.I don t think I can walk that far.www.samhainpublishing.com 117 Kaye ChambersI meant it as a jest, but he took me at my word.He picked me up from the chair and headed for thebedroom with long strides. The food.I ve got to take care of the food. I ll do it.You go to bed and let me take care of you. He hadn t been idle while he d been waitingfor the food.The bed was turned down and the blinds were closed to cloak the room in shadows.He lay medown on it gently and kissed my forehead. I ll put the food away and join you, if the offer is still open? I m not sure I actually offered, Marcus.You sort of bullied your way in. Do you want me to go? His face was serious and there was something fragile between us.He wouldgo if I asked him to. No, don t go.Come to bed when you re ready, but no funny business.I was serious when I said thatI didn t have the energy for it. Then you should have worn something else.His gaze was heated as it traveled over me.It made me glad I d bought the set.I watched him go andsat up to take off the robe.Tossing it across the end of the bed, I tucked myself into the covers to wait.I must have dozed because I started when Marcus came to bed. Shh, he whispered against my ear. I m going to hold you.Sleep. I need to set the alarm. Was that my voice? It sounded so far away. I ll make sure you re up in time to get ready for your night.I took him at his word and allowed myself to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.I woke to the most delicious sensations.Silk sliding over my skin.The hot press of a mouth nippingand teasing my belly.Callused hands gliding along my ribcage in slow, tantalizing strokes.Marcus.No one else knew my body to this extent.He pulled a gasp out of me as his hands cupped my breast beneath the silk.I thrashed under him andhe began to use his body to advantage.The naked skin of his chest rubbed against the wet, sensitized trailalong my belly.My hands tangled in his hair as he nibbled on the underside of my breast.Nipping, suckling the flesh,but ignoring the hard peak that demanded his attention.I growled in frustration, but he laughed against myskin.He ignored me when I tried to pull his face toward the goal I had in mind, but he did start in thegeneral direction I wanted him to go.When he finally reached that peak, I was panting.As he suckled the tip into his mouth, I arched.Itwas as if my body was waiting on that final spark to ignite and when it did, the fire swept through me in arush.118 www.samhainpublishing.com Blood and DestinyMarcus sensed it and all playfulness vanished from his manner.Gathering his knees under him, hescooted forward, parting my legs without distracting his attention away from his task.His hands camearound my shoulders and he urged me to a sitting position, breaking free at last, leaving me wanting more.His gaze locked with mine as he swept the silk chemise off and threw it away.Grabbing his face, Itugged him down for an open-mouthed kiss.I packed all the demand that I felt into it and he carried meback against the warm cotton sheets to cage me with his body.Breaking the kiss, he smiled at me and hadthe audacity to tease. I remember you as a more patient woman than this, Destiny.Have you changed so much?Instead of answering, I pulled his face back to mine and locked my legs around his waist to push mybody against his.In answer, he lowered himself to rub against my wet center.The kisses grew wilder untilhe broke away panting. Marcus. It came out a groan and he chuckled. Never let it be said that I left my lady wanting.With the ease of long practice, he took me with one smooth movement.My body arched on its own,pressing every inch of exposed skin against his, and I sucked in the muscle in his shoulder to keep fromshouting.He grunted as my teeth closed over him and my bite upped the passion.Gone was the smooth loverand in his place was a man reclaiming his position.His hands and mouth were still gentle, but his lovingwas masterful.He knew how to stroke to build the passion into a bonfire.I nipped and kissed along his shoulder as my hands memorized the lines of his back and buttocks.When my body tightened, the climax just out of reach, I resorted to begging. Marcus, please, please, please!He changed the angle slightly and I incinerated.As my body jerked, I bit into his shoulder in earnestto muffle the scream.The taste of blood told me I had broken the skin and I relished it as ecstasy washedover me.He reacted to the pain by pistoning into me before freezing in that one suspended moment beforehe spilled in hot, heavy waves.Marcus lowered himself against me, but kept his weight on his elbows.I kissed the bloody imprint ofmy teeth and pushed on his shoulder. Off. Demanding wench.There was a carefree quality in his voice that I d never heard before.He swooped down to kiss mesoftly before rolling to the side [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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