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.She played the tune and played withthe words; translation was useless, but maybe she could.Yes.Section bysection.She smiled, a dreamy inward smile.It wouldn t be elegant, herrendition, but maybe amusing.Considering the sit-uation.Why not. Step easy,Stepchild, she sang.Step easy, StepchildWatch where you walkinIt s wolfdays, StepchildBourghies in your gardenHumming along with the tune her fingers were elaborat-ing, she considered thesecond section.Stoop swiftly, GyrfalconYour Eyases are shriekinIt s catdays, GyrfalconPussy on the pantilesKizra stopped singing and whistled softly along with the arranga.Yla wasleaning against the Jili s knee, tearstreaks drying on her face.She was goodat whistling and proud of it; she tapped her fingers a moment to catch therhythm, then whistled with Kizra, the sound flowing like water from her, flutesong melting into the more abrupt arranga tones.Step easy, StepchildWasps are in your willowsPage 89 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlIt s rage days, StepchildStingers pricking wildGo grimly, GrimalkinYour kittens cry for dinnerIt s hunger days, GrimalkinFamine in the strawIngva couldn t whistle, but there was a tradition of nonsense syllables in theIrrkuy women s culture;she caught up the rhythm and blended her voice with Yla s whistle. Ba ba vayba lay la vah, she sang.The song went on and on, blending the Stepchild s story with the beasts aroundher/him, some verses trans-lating more successfully than others, some moresurreal, some more pedestrian, but it did the job the Matja wanted, took theirminds off the danger stewing below them.MEMORY:The air shook and the brightening day turned sud-denly dark as a vast blanketof sleds filled the sky over them, flying low enough to brush the fronds ofthe lower trees.Cutter beams slashed through the foliage, churned the mud, boiled the wateraround them, bracketing them, missing them again and again.She wassplattered by mud thrown up by the bombs, metal fragments wentwhin-ing through the sides of both boats; one ripped across her arm, anotherclipped a tuft of hair above her ear.2The door to the bedroom opened and Arring Pirs came through it into thesitting room.He stopped beside the couch where Matja Allina was sitting. He s settled in, he said, touched Allina s head, fingers sliding gently overher smoothed hair. He called Utilas and told him.Ut won t be coming.Allina caught his hand, held it against her face. At least there s that.Idon t think I could bear it, watching Utilas and Rintirry stalking around eachother like a pair of randy tomcats. Randy, he said.He dropped to the couch beside her. Yes.Rintirry.Hisblood s up.You know what that means.You ve warned our women to stay insideand bar their doors? And if he kicks the door in? What are they supposed to do then? MatjaAllina s control wasslipping. What could WE do? Slap his wrist and say Bad Boy? There was ragein her voice. He doesn t care whom he uses.You know that.Even ourdaughters aren t safe.And the Artwa would support him.You know that.Do something, Pirs.I don t care what it means, I won t have ANY of our people. Her mouth worked. Used.I won t. And if the Artwa calls the mortgage? Let him try.He can t afford an inside Kirtaa to add to his other wars.Andif he s foolish enough to go ahead with it, I d rather go into the Brush.Iswear it, Pirs.I will go into the Brush before I turn my head and sacrifice ababy to Rintirry s lust.He took her hand, kissed her fingers one by one. Yes, sweet warrior,mi-Matjali, yes. He set her hand down. I put P murr on guard at his doorwith orders to make sure he stays where he belongs.He ll enjoy doing it, mi-killi.He s tired, the laugh lines deepened abouthis blue eyes,  he lost the tip to his ear and has a butt-burn from a pelletout of a tumak s rifle.He s quite annoyed at Rintirry. He bent, touchedIngva s cheek and ruffled Yla s hair. You sleep in your Mama s bed thisnight, lirrilirris.Page 90 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Mama? She will be in with me, Ingvalli.You and Yla and the Jili will be allalone. He straightened. JiliArluja, take them in now, please.He watched them out, then turned to Polyapo. Ulyinik, you are welcome to apallet here as long as this situation lasts, but if you prefer to return toyour own quarters, I think you will be safe enough.Polyapo got slowly to her feet.She bowed perfunctorily and left without aword.Pirs waited until Aghilo was back from barring the door after the titularHousekeeper, then turned with grave for-mality to Tinoopa and Kizra [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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