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.Perhaps someday the Goddess will send a storm to wipethe stain of his presence from the south beach.Perhaps she'll leave his shackthere as a reminder, until it collapses with age.I don't know.But no man ofthe village will bury him.I liked Sasha, and I liked Orissa.And with anyluck, Malik will pay for them both with an eternity in hell," he said, andspat into the dirt outside Calla's house.After a moment, he shook his head."I just thought you had a right to know first, Calla, before the rest of thevillage.You, of all people."Page 295 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlCalla looked Absor over.Gone was the bullying boy of his youth.In hisplace, a man had emerged, and village master.Perhaps he still had a few roughedges, yes.In fact, quite a few.But as she looked at Absor, she realized hehad grown into a good man.Not a perfect man, no.But, still a good man.Slowly, Calla nodded."Thank you, Absor," she said, and laid a hand atop hisforearm lightly."I appreciate it.""You're welcome," Absor replied, then smiled."Now, I'd better get out ofhere before Hamat comes home, I'd hardly like to have him think I was tryingto steal his lovely wife from him."Calla blinked - she was hardly the beauty she had been in her youth, andshe knew it.After a moment, she swatted Absor's shoulder."You dog! You teaseme."Absor laughed for a moment, then paused as the air shimmered beside them."What on earth.?"In the twinkling of an eye, Sasha and two Vilandian women appeared.One,Absor recognized as the woman Sasha had introduced as her sister, when she hadvisited a month before.The other, Absor did not recognize.She was beautiful,however, appeared to be in her thirties.Somehow, though.She seemed somehowvaguely familiar.Calla gaped, her eyes wide."I.Orissa?!" she shrieked."Momma!" Orissa replied, holding out her arms.Calla clutched her chest, staggering."Goddess.My heart.""No, no," Sasha's sister said, reaching out swiftly to catch Calla as shecollapsed."No, no.You'll not die just yet," she said, laying Calla down andgesturing over her."Beat, heart.Beat, and be strong.You'll not die justyet, Calla.Now would be a particularly bad time.Easy.Easy.There.Heal,and be strong.Yes.Open your eyes.There we are, much better.""Momma." Orissa said, kneeling beside Calla, tears streaming down herface."Oh, Orissa.I hoped and prayed for this day." Calla wept, sobbing."Come, Sasha - let's help Orissa get Calla inside the house, shall we?"Sasha smiled."Yes, sister."Page 296 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAbsor finally managed to find his voice."Sasha, you.You found her?! Iknow Calla said you left to find her.And you found her?!"Sasha looked to Absor as she and Marilith gently lifted Calla."No, Absor.I did not find her, for she was never lost.She was in the hands of theGoddess all along, doing what the Goddess needed to be done.Now, she hasreleased her back to Woe.No, Absor, I didn't find her, for she was neverlost.The Goddess simply gave me the honor of bringing her home.""Orissa." Calla called, reaching out to her daughter as she lay in Sashaand Marilith's arms."Yes, Momma?" Orissa asked, wiping her eyes as she stood beside her."Swat Absor for me and run him off to fetch your father and brothers,please."Orissa nodded, reaching out to swat Absor on the shoulder."You heardMomma, Absor - go fetch Daddy and my brothers."Absor grinned, then laughed."Gladly, Orissa, gladly - I hope you don'tmind if I fetch the entire village, as well.This is a time to celebrate!Malik is dead, and Orissa and Sasha have returned!" he shouted, then turned todash away, shouting the good news at the top of his lungs."Ho, people of Woe!Orissa and Sasha have returned!""Malik is dead?" Sasha asked.Calla nodded."Dead as stone, Sasha, and left to rot in his house on thebeach."Sasha smiled as she and Marilith carried Calla into the house."Well,Marilith and I can stay for the celebration, but not after, Calla.We have toget back.""Oh, put me down, girls, I feel fine, now!""Sister?" Sasha asked, looking to Marilith.Marilith nodded."She should be fine now, Sasha, but rest would be best.Let's place her in that rocking chair I see over there."A moment later, the deed was done, and Orissa knelt beside her mother'schair, holding her hand.Calla looked to Sasha and Marilith."Go back, yousaid? Go back where?"Page 297 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Home, first, to the Windward Isles, and my tribe.""The mer-people you told me about, last time, yes?""Yes.""You showed me.You showed me you could make a tail like a mermaid.Hard to believe, but I touched it, it's real.But you didn't tell me muchabout your sister, then."Marilith grinned."And we still won't," she replied, her eyes twinkling."I'll tell you that I was in a magical prison for a long, long time - then,Sasha rescued me.We have been together ever since," Marilith said, and huggedSasha briefly.Sasha nodded."More would just be frightening, Calla, and Marilth reallyis a wonderful person."Calla nodded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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