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.The guard leftthe door open a few centimeters, but then closed it at a signal from theservant.Chen sat on the stool, arranging his ceremonial robes withinstinctive style.It was truly marvelous to watch the elegant manners, thegenteel behavior of a member of the baronial gentry, nobles of long trainingand thousands of years of genetic selection and even, perhaps, manipulation.The servant stood just behind and to the left of the Chief Commissioner, hisface impassive."I regret not having had more discussions with you, sire, " Hari said with arespectful smile.He sat on the edge of the cot, his white hair in disarrayfrom sleep.His shoulders ached, his back felt as if it had been twisted inknots.He had not slept well at all."You don't look comfortable, " Chen said."I will arrange for betteraccommodations.Sometimes the specifics of our commands get lost in the longcircuits of justice and protocol.""If I were a treasonous rebel, I would defiantly decline your offer, sire,but I am an old man, and this cell is truly ridiculous.You could have kept mein my apartment in the library.I would not have gone anywhere."Chen smiled."I am aware you think I'm a fool, Hari Seldon.I suffer no suchillusions about you.""You are no fool, sire."Chen both accepted and dismissed this with a small lift of one finger fromhis robed knee, and an arch of one eye-brow."I care little for the distant future, Professor Seldon.My interestslie in what I can accomplish in my lifetime.In your estimation that is enoughto make me a fool."In one way, at least, my goals are the same as yours.I wish to reduce themisery of the quadrillions who now live in the Empire.Surely, it is asridiculous for the Empire's servants to try to direct or control such a wealthof variation, such an immense population, as for you to hope to predict theirmovements and futures."If this was meant to somehow connect them, to endear Chen to Hari, it did notwork.Hari gave a polite nod and no more."To that end, I have involved myself in a number of petty bickerings, havingto do with the Emperor and his more ambitious adherents.and sycophants."Hari listened intently.He smoothed back his hair with one hand, never takinghis eyes from Chen's."I am involved in a delicate phase of such a conflict now.You would call ita Cusp Time, perhaps.""Cusp limes have impacts far beyond the petty moments of personal disputes, "Hari said, and realized he was sounding like the priest of some religion.Well, perhaps he was.Page 135 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"This is hardly a personal dispute.There are people within the palace whohope to split the power of the Commission, and to insert their own commandsinto the long chains that stretch from Trantor to the farthermost provincearound the most distant star.""Not surprising, " Hari said."It's always been that way.Part of statecraft.""Yes, but very dangerous now.I have let him run loose again, one particularindividual ""Farad Sinter, " Hari said.Chen nodded."You may think me a hypocrite, Hari, and you would be right ifyou did, but I have come asking for advice."Hari subdued the triumphant smile that threatened to appear on his lips.Sometimes, arrogance was Hari's worst enemy and Linge Chen, whatever hisfaults, was never simply arrogant."I don't have access to my equipment.Any psychohistoric advice I give mustbe limited in scope, and probably grossly inaccurate.""Perhaps.You have claimed that in five hundred years, Trantor will lie inruins.An impressive and, of course, unpleasant claim.You have even impressedsome Emperors with the tools used to justify the claim.If I grant for themoment that you could be right ""Thank you, " Hari said under his breath.Chen tightened his lips and lowered his eyelids as if he were sleepy."Justgranting for the moment such a possibility, I am curious am I highlighted inthis downfall? Do my actions this year, or in the next, the future, the past,facilitate this horrible decline?"Hari, despite himself, was actually moved by this question [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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