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.An avenging storm.Somehow, she knows they don’t panic.All weather drones tirelessly working all the hours to keep her alive.But why?Each step seems less painful.Until walking seems always natural.Within a minute, she can maintain a steady jog and within five minutes, she enters a full sprint.She tries to ask herself where she is running but no answer comes to mind.Soon she sees the Empire State building.She slows.The place where it all began.Or at least the only place in her memories that she can call her own.Everything else before seems so hazy.Like a dream.Like someone else’s memories.A sharp blast of air hits her.Like a rhinoceros declaring war in her ears.She turns to sea truck almost upon her.Without trying, she feels herself twist, bend, and throw herself backwards onto the sidewalk.The traffic seems to appear from nowhere.She tells herself this is a normal day for everyone else.For normal people.People hurting to achieve their hopes and dreams.People whose nightmares vanish as they wake.Not people whose nightmares become more real in the waking hours.She tries to tell herself Dawn brings a new day and the same routines.Traffic.Heavy and noisy.A cop car rolls by.She can’t stop herself turning away sharply and looking down.Looking anywhere but keeping her eyes shielded.They seem not to notice.She walks on.It occurs to her she was running from someone.This source code.This enemy of hers.What did he say his name was? McKenzie? She looks over her shoulder.Another cop car approaches.Or is it the same one?It slows.Stops.A window winds down.Are they calling her?Should she stay? Or run?A door opens.A cop steps out.She runs.Hard and fast pushing her way into the crowds crossing the street.Safety in numbers.She slows.Behind her, she hears a siren cut through the noise of the traffic.But it’s ahead of her she senses danger.Someone in the crowd? She scans their faces.No one seems to look at her twice.But there’s someone ahead.She recognizes him.The face imprinted in her mind.Put there by Tyler.What is the name that goes with the face? Damien? That’s it.Damien walks towards her.She could kill him.She knows she is more powerful than him.At least stronger.Faster.Harder.But every cell in her body echoes one word.RUN.She feels a hand on her shoulder.Instinctively she drops her shoulder and twists.Grabs at the hands and bends the fingers back beyond the point of natural flexibility.Beyond the point of endurance.Into the red zone of pain and further still.All the way until she feels them snap under grip.All in the smallest fraction of a second.The cop whose hand she broke screams out and falls to his knees.She looks behind as the cop draws his weapon out of its holster.She runs.Hard.Fast.Not looking behind.Knowing only, her metallic friends are speeding through her blood steam.Latching onto oxygen and feeding her heart and organs and muscles.Giving her the power.She sprints into the middle of the fifth avenue traffic flow.Speeding towards her from uptown.Gunshots.Has she been hit? She can’t tell.But her shoulder stings as if torn clean off.A yellow cab races towards her.Its fender is inches from her knees.She closes her eyes and feels herself jump.As her knees lift up over the windshield passing beneath her she feels the yellow cab lights brushing her toes.Her feet reach down and hammer against the top of the cab’s trunk.And she pushes off again.Leaping into the street.Hitting the tarmac in a sprint.Ready for the next car.A bus approaches.The driver seems too shocked to even consider hitting the brakes as she runs directly at him.The driver turns the wheel.She leaps.Springing forward with both arms out.Catches the passengers’ stare up at her as her feet spring off the windshield.Snapping the windshield wiper with her thrusting feet as she flips over the front of the bus and hits the roof.The brakes squeal.The rear of the Bus jerks wildly to the right.Madison loses her grips.Her momentum flings her off the roof into the path of the traffic.She feels her head graze the tarmac as she looks up at the speeding fire truck.Chapter Thirty Three: Fifth Avenue MayhemMcKenzie walks down Fifth Avenue.Madison seems long gone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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