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.But I think we should focus.Powerhouse, you’re our best bet against the walrus.I hate to send you up against that gravity attack yet again, but at least you’re strong enough to handle it.It would kill the rest of us.”Powerhouse shrugged.“Fine by me, but if I’m gonna be stuck fighting him on soft ground again.”Takayasu raised one finger and called up to the pilot.“Lieutenant, is our friend still with us?”The pilot leaned over to check something, maybe the radar.“Yeah, he’s back there.”Vortex tensed.“ ‘Our friend’?”“Don’t worry, I wasn’t being sarcastic.We’ve got another PCA jet behind us — they were already in the air, coming to join us in Cheyenne, so I rerouted them.It’s a little backup that should help Powerhouse’s fight, if they get there in time.”I hope we get there in time, Vortex thought.“How are they gettin’ down, Mike? I’m guessin’ they can’t jump outta the plane like we can.”“The perimeter infantry are laying down lights as we speak.Both planes can land just a mile from the Taalu camp.We’ll jump out before that.”“Speakin’ of the infantry, how about we get some conventional backup this time? I mean, we know where the Nocto-guys are headin’, you know what I’m sayin’? Let’s shoot a rocket at ‘em, or toss some grenades at ‘em, or somethin’.”Takayasu’s face darkened.“Bad news there.You remember how we pushed hard for privacy and seclusion for the Taalu? How the National Guard’s watching the perimeter, but were ordered to leave them alone?”“Yeeeeaaahhh.” Shockwave drawled, not liking where this was going; neither did Vortex or Powerhouse, for that matter.“Well, that’s looking like a double-edged sword now.Seems the President feels that, since Callin demanded such staunch privacy, and insisted the PCA act as liaison between the Taalu and the U.S.government.”“.this is our fight,” Vortex finished.Takayasu nodded.“It was couched in a lot of political bullshit, but yeah.Long story short, we and the Taalu get to deal with the Noctoponm, and if we lose, they’ll deal with whatever alien-rogues are left standing, assuming they have to.Honestly, I think they’re hoping the Noctoponm might just leave Earth after they get what they want.”“Lovely,” Vortex spat, disgusted.“So, no help from the National Guard,” Powerhouse observed.“What about those robots?”Shockwave did a virtual double-take.“ ‘Robots’?”Takayasu smirked.“Yeah, Mark, you missed that, didn’t you? But I’ll fill you in later, because no,” he turned to Powerhouse, “we won’t be seeing them again, not this time.Asimov scampered first chance he got.I’m guessing the only reason he helped last time was because we were fighting on his front lawn.”Powerhouse shook his head at the shame of it, then asked, “So who’s in the plane behind us?”Takayasu’s reply was interrupted when the Taalu communicator chimed.With an expression of Here we go, he answered, “This is Takayasu.Go ahead, Larr.”“They’re here.”PCA“Stall them,” said Larr.Beyond him, through the bridge viewport, Della and Charl could barely make out the veiled enemy ship against the night sky.It had landed out beyond the alpine drop-off — the only thing visually betraying its presence was its front portal, which irised open as they watched.“It’s our fault they found us,” Charl said, miserable.“We should try to stop them.”“You will stall them!” Larr snapped.“Your brother is on his way.You just have to fend them off until he gets here.Keep their attention, keep them occupied, but do not directly engage them!”“Please,” their mother begged.“Please listen to Larr.”Dejected, Della said, “We don’t even know if Callin is coming.They said he’s hurt.”Larr straightened to his full, considerable height.“Your brother is the Shining Star.He will be here.”“They’re coming out!” Naltin called from the front of the bridge, panic in his voice.“Go,” Larr barked.“Go!”PCADella and Charl exited the human-dubbed Refuge One just as the three Noctoponm came into view; the insectoid took to the air, while the flabby pachyderm and stone-skinned Taalu-tek approached on foot.“That one’s big,” Charl whispered, gaping at the rock-like beast.“Yes,” his sister agreed.“It’s bigger than the Cargaun was.”“Yes, it is.”The Taalu youths trembled with anxiety as the monstrous hunters drew nearer, yet they could not flee — they had to keep the Noctoponm away from their people, most of whom still slept and had no idea of the mortal danger lurking outside.“But you and Callin beat the Cargaun, right?”“That’s right.”Charl added a soft, “I’m not Callin.”“But you are my brother, Charl Lan of Taal-ceky.If we do what Larr told us, we will get through this.I promise.”“I don’t know if I can do this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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