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.” He sighed.“After all, that man of yours tricked me into challenging for leadership.”“It was a win-win situation for him.If you hadn’t challenged, Remy would have, or one of Saria’s other brothers.”“He talked it over with you first.That old wily coot.”“Of course he did.We both wanted to ensure Saria’s best interests.If you hadn’t challenged, you weren’t in love with her and she shouldn’t be with you.”“I can’t believe that old man skunked me.”Pauline laughed.“That old man has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.”Drake shook his head.Now that he’d had a brief glimpse at Amos Jeanmard, he could understand how he had achieved a leadership role.Now it was up to Drake to find out how much damage Charisse Mercier’s hybrid flower, bad decisions and poor bloodlines had done to the lair and who among them was a serial killer.15ELIJAH Lospostos was a steely-eyed, extremely handsome man in a tough, scary way.He had a wealth of gleaming black hair spilling down into eyes the color of mercury one moment and as dark as night the next.Saria stood at the helm of her boat, winding her way through the choppy water, trying not to think about how dangerous he looked or why he would take orders from Drake Donovan.Elijah and his partner, Jeremiah Wheating, two more members of Drake’s team, had spent the night in the swamp and they waited for nightfall for the entire team to return.The rain poured down in thick silvery bands, making it difficult to see as she tried to keep the boat in open water as much as possible on the way to the strip of land facing Fenton’s Marsh.She had five men in her boat, all silent, all grim-faced and all knowing something she didn’t.On the other hand, Drake hadn’t hesitated in asking her to take them into the swamp.She had the feeling none of them needed her as much as she thought they did.She sent another quick look at the five men who took orders from Drake.They were all dangerous men.The lair had no idea how very dangerous these men were, and yet—they all took orders from Drake.A small frisson of fear slid down her spine.She didn’t know Drake quite as well as she thought she did, not if he commanded men like these.She turned her face up to the skies.Dark clouds rolled and churned, driven by a vicious wind.Her legs absorbed the pounding of the boat as it skimmed over the rough water.She noted none of the men seemed adversely affected by either the foul weather or the bumpy ride.She wasn’t certain why they were going out on such a night, but they were all armed.Whatever Elijah had told Drake earlier in the day, he had emerged from the meeting grim-faced, his eyes, usually s warm, were flat and cold and frankly quite scary.She hadn’t asked questions as she normally would have, because he had told his men she was coming with them and his tone said not to question his judgment.She saw the shock on their faces, although they tried to hide it.“You warm enough?” Drake asked.He stood close to her, close enough for her to feel his body heat right through her windbreaker.He rested one hand lightly—possessively—on the small of her back.She felt her stomach do a slow tumble.It didn’t matter that her brain was trying to warn her that she was in over her head with him, her heart—and all the rest of her body—reached for him.She nodded.“I’m used to the weather.Your friends?” She nodded toward the men in inquiry.He grinned at her, looking a little wild with his hair wet and dripping and his face a carved bronze.“They’re used to it as well.” He bent to put his lips against her ear.“I love storms.I find them invigorating.”She felt the blush start somewhere in her toes and rush through her body like a heat wave.It was the way he said it more than the words.“Aren’t they all leopards?” she hissed.“Because if they are, their hearing is excellent.”His teeth closed gently on her earlobe.Someone coughed and someone else made a little snickering sound.Yeah, they were all leopards.She punched Drake in his rock-hard gut.“Back off, playboy.I’ve got a job to do and you’re tryin’ to distract me.I’m responsible for the safety of these men.” She nodded toward the banks on either side of them.“Shine your light into the water and the banks on either side.”Joshua and Jerico did so.Eyes stared back at them.Alligators hunted in the water and in the reeds.She smirked at Drake.“All those logs in the water are not logs.”He laughed.“Is that supposed to scare me, honey?”“No,” she admitted, because it was absurd to think he was afraid.She smirked again.“But I’m at the helm, and that should scare you.” It was a clear warning and the boat suddenly zigzagged.Not enough to pitch him over the side, but enough that he grabbed her to steady himself.Joshua burst out laughing and Elijah hid a smile.“Having trouble with your woman, boss?” Jerico asked.“I can’t very well pitch her out of the boat,” Drake replied, “but I won’t say the same for you.”This time all the men laughed.“I don’t know exactly what we’re doin’ out here,” Saria said, “but if it involves stealth, sound carries on the water.”“We’ve got a little time until we expect company,” Drake said.She arched her eyebrow at him, locking her gaze with his.“What aren’t you tellin’ me?”“I didn’t want to talk about this around Pauline,” Drake admitted.“I’m sorry, Saria.You’ve been very patient not asking questions in front of her.”She shrugged, hugging his apology to herself.He had wanted to tell her, he just hadn’t found a safe opportunity.“Elijah and Jeremiah spent the night in your blind last night.”She blinked, glanced at the two men and swiftly turned back to guiding their boat.“By the owl’s nest? How did they find it? I don’t tell anyone about it.I brought it piece by piece and built it myself.”“It was very sturdy,” Elijah said.“And I thank you for that.There was a lot of activity on the ground and I was appreciative of being up high.”“You’re welcome.But how did you find it?”Elijah looked a little uncomfortable.Drake came to his rescue.“You’re a female leopard in the midst of the Han Vol Dan.”“I stink?”He laughed.“You smell good, sweetheart.Good enough to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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