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.And now we were being attacked by wolves.If we ever got out of this, I’d seriously give her a piece of my mind.I don't know where the spurt of energy came from, whether it was fear or adrenaline, but this time, the stupid shelf moved.It scraped against the wood floor with a loud screech.Lauren pulled while I pushed with everything we had, until it finally covered the door frame.We stepped back, out of breath and panting as we watched the cabinet shake when another wolf rammed into the door.It moved slightly, but thankfully the wood was thick and sturdy.We were safe for now.Exhaustion set in, and I fell into the sofa, lifting my aching foot up onto the cushion.Lauren went into the bedroom and returned with the checkerboard quilt, which she covered me with."Thank you," I gasped, out of breath from all the strenuous and terrifying events we'd been through.She nodded before moving to the sink and filling two glasses with water.She brought them back to the couch, handed me one, and took a drink from her own glass.I took a long gulp of the tepid, odd-tasting liquid, having never felt so thirsty in my life.My hand shook, spilling water as a howl pierced the air, setting off the rest of the wolves.I wiped the water from my sweater with the blanket and set the glass beside Lauren's on a small table beside the furniture.We held hands and curled up on the couch under the blanket, trying to ignore the howling and snarling of the wolves."I'm sorry, Lauren.If you hadn't been at the cottage, you wouldn't be in this mess."She huffed, giving me a dirty look that was visible from the glow of the lamp."Don't be stupid.This is Charlotte's fault, not yours." She squeezed my hand, and I swallowed the lump in my throat.I was tired, freezing, hungry, terrified, and in agony from my ankle, but above all of that, I missed Nate.We hadn't been apart for this long since I moved in with him.I suddenly felt the need to talk about the guy I loved."Nate proposed last night," I blurted.I hadn't meant to tell her that.It wasn't the time, but we might not make it through the night, and I couldn't die with this secret.She gasped, her eyes alight with happiness."He did?" She leaned over, careful of my foot and hugged me."I'm so happy for you."I smiled, about to say thank you, when a wolf jumped up to the window and scraped its claws against the glass.The high-pitched sound reminded me of nails on a chalk board.The wolf snarled at us, baring its jagged teeth.We jumped at the sudden noise and waited for the window to break.Nothing happened and the wolf disappeared from sight, but we could still hear them on the porch howling and snarling.We huddled together with the blanket, watching the door, making sure the shelf didn't move.That was how we stayed all night.Chapter EightA Night’s Rest"We had to check." Joseph reassured Nate for the third time.They were inside the car patiently waiting at the ferry dock.Nate had been quiet since they had turned back to their human form, and his silence was overwhelming in the small space."They're fine.We will find them," Joe said again, sounding eager to break the silence.Finally, Nate turned his head.The expression on his Nate's face could only be described as defeat.But his eyes were a different story.They were glazed and wide with a frantic look.The men had been searching for the girls for hours, and the separation from Nate's mate was taking a toll on him."You don't know that.Maybe she will kill them." Nate finally spoke; his voice was low and filled with dread.Joe's face went hard."Stop it, Nate.You can't think like that.We’ll find them.You just need to rest.We've been searching for eight hours straight, and we're tired.We're no good to them this way." He paused, waiting for Nate to argue.When he didn't and just simply sat staring out through the car window at the lake before them, Joe went on."Once we get some sleep, you'll feel better, and ready to find them.And we will find them."Nate’s first reaction was to balk at the idea; they couldn't rest until they found the girls.But he needed to do what was best for Megan.And after searching for hours on the island with no results, he had turned back human feeling beaten, and ready to die.If their search ended badly, how could he live without her? And when he realized what direction his mind was heading, he knew Joe was right.He needed to rest.He could not let his mind take such a dark path.They would find the girls, they had to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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