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.He straightened and looked down at her.Still deep inside her as he softened.He kissed her softly then pulled on her bottom lip, whispering, “Now, thank me for your exemplary lesson.”Althea stroked the suede patches on his arms and said, "Thank you for the extra credit Professor Tate.Did I do okay?""You did very well," he said with a devious half grin, "now you are at a 'C' grade.""A 'C,' Professor Tate?" she pouted."No need for concern," he said in a cocky voice as he ran a finger underneath one breast, then the other until Althea's heart started racing all over again."I think I can come up with lots more extra credit to help you keep making up the difference.""Absolutely," she answered, straightening her back and looking at him seriously," I won't stop until I have an 'A+.' I take my performance very seriously."Griffen laughed and leaned down to wrap his arms tightly around her waist."Althea, you're full of surprises.That was amazing.You're amazing.""You're not so bad yourself, stud," she said with a grin.Griffen was pulling himself back together — both mentally and sartorially — after Althea's smoking hot game, when she teased, "This is one fancy office, I must say." She then sarcastically ran a finger across the rough wooden desk beneath her bottom and held up a finger covered in dust."The best.After what we just did, I'm glad I hadn't gotten to putting too much stuff on my desk.""Oh yeah, good thinking."She began to smooth her sexily rumpled hair down, but Griffen took over, running his fingers through her hair repeatedly."Careful, Griffen, you may lose a hand in there," she said with a smirk."Fine by me.I love your hair.There's so much of it, too.""You should try blow-drying it, stud.""Is that another one of your fantasies?" he asked."No, it just seems like a good test of how strong these massive biceps of yours really are.Though you may get tennis elbow from all that exertion," she teased, trailing her nails down the ripples of his arms until he groaned and had to kiss her."Mmm," she moaned when they came up for air, "so, tell me, how was class today?""It was good.They mostly wanted to hear about my books and how they got to be movies, but I did try to teach them something actually helpful.""I'm sure you were great." She put her bra back on and he felt a pang of sadness at no longer getting to stare at her perfect bare breasts.He forced himself to look at her eyes, chiding himself that every time he was around Althea he acted like a horny teenager."I could never do justice to Professor Stevens' classes.He is the best teacher I’ve ever met.""Oh, I'm sure he appreciates the chance to rest more and that students got a great opportunity to meet a real writer," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly."What is the university going to do about his classes after you leave?""Mmm, what?" he murmured.She then giggled and moved on to kissing him lightly on his neck."I'm not sure.They'll have to think of something because I think by the end of two weeks I'll have had my fill of being back in this damn city."Her eyes widened, "Wow, I didn't know you hated it here that much."Griffen pulled her close again, "I have my reasons for hating this place.It's not the city so much as what it represents to me.""Is it because of your dad?" Griffen's jaw clenched and Althea swallowed nervously."Uh, Carol said he was a bad guy and you said as much, too, and I recognize the look — mine wouldn't exactly win any father of the year awards, either.I'm babbling again, it's none of my business, sorry.""No, don't be.I'm constantly dragging stuff out of you.I guess it's only fair I let you ask a question or two," he said with a smile."Yeah, my dad is the reason for a lot of how fucked up I am about many things, including getting hives thinking about coming back here.And there are.other reasons." Griffen swallowed at the thought of how he'd let her husband down so terribly — that he may have contributed to her becoming a widow by being such a self-absorbed prick.She looked at him worriedly, "Griffen, are you okay?"He swallowed and replaced his signature cocky grin back on his face."Absolutely, gorgeous, but you're making this time here way more bearable."More than bearable, he thought.In fact, more and more, his hatred of the idea of leaving her was overtaking his discomfort at being home."Bearable, huh? Don't pump my ego up too much, stud," she said teasingly."Trust me, our time together is awesome.Anyway, I think Stevens is planning to be better by then.Not that you can control that.""No, you can't.That's true.Just like Javier Jimenez couldn't control Cade Jackson from bringing down his cartel single-handedly in Bloody Tequila Sunrise."He pulled back from her intoxicating little feather kisses and asked, "You read one of my books? Not just the jacket?""Yep.I was curious.""What did you think?""It was.thrilling," she smirked."That is what they tell me."She leaned back and looked in his eyes."When did you decide to become a writer?""I wrote for as long as I can remember.I was always an observer, my whole life.I don't know if it was a choice or a dream.I never said — 'this is what I want to do.' It was simply what I had to do.I actually figured I could never do it publicly.""Why not?""I had to hide my writing from my dad for years.He said it was weak, so as soon as he was dead and I was free, in college, I made my choice and that choice was running around the world instead of on a football field and I kept on writing.""Did you always write stuff that was so.um."He laughed, "Not a fan of action-adventures?""No, it really was exciting, actually, just not very.""You can start breathing again Althea, you won't offend me.I know my books aren't too deep.Cade Jackson isn't exactly Holden Caulfield.I know that.When I was young, writing was my escape.Jack and I would make up these adventure stories out loud and then I'd write them down.We did it in my backyard but then.""What?""Then we stopped.Now, tell me, why'd you pick that one?" He swallowed and ran a finger down her arm.He took a step forward, leaned in and licked gently across her lips until she moaned."I.Uh, oh God.It was the most recent one I could find, but it was a few years old.I couldn't find anything newer.""That's it.Just two books." He leaned over and nibbled right below her earlobe."Wait, how many years is that?"He swallowed, "My second book came out five years ago [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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