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..Welles, Diary, :, ; Halleck to Pope, September , , ORA, , pt., –..Welles, Diary, :; McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story, –..Hay Diary, ; Welles, Diary, :–..William Marvel, Burnside (Chapel Hill, N.C., ), –; Stanton to Curtin, September , , ORA, , pt., ..John Gibbon, Personal Recollections of the Civil War (New York, ), ; McClellan to Lincoln, September , , ORA, , pt., ; Welles, Diary, :–..McClellan to Halleck, September , , ORA, , pt., ; Basler, Works, :.n ote s to pa ge s –316.McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story, –; Williams, Lincoln Finds a General, :–; Welles, Diary, :..Chase, “Diary and Correspondence,” :–; Warden, Life of Chase, ; Welles, Gideon, “History of Emancipation,” Galaxy  (December ): –; Basler, Works,:..Basler, Works, :; Hay Diary, ..Basler, Works, :; Hamlin to Lincoln, September , , Nicolay Mss., LC..Randall, Lincoln, :..Basler, Works, :–..McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story, ; McClellan to Lincoln, October , , ORA,, pt., –..Horan, Pinkertons, –..Basler, Works, :–, ; Montgomery Blair to McClellan, September , , McClellan Mss., LC..Hay Diary, ; Halleck to McClellan, October , , and McClellan to Halleck, October , , ORA , pt., –..Halleck to McClellan, October , , ORA, , pt., –; McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story, –; Welles, Diary, :; Garrett Davis to Lincoln, September , , Lincoln Mss., LC-RTL..Nicolay, Lincoln’s Secretary, ; Basler, Works, :–, ..Sears, Civil War Papers of George B.McClellan, ..Carl Schurz to Lincoln, May , , Lincoln Mss., LC-RTL..Welles, Diary, :; Lincoln to Halleck, November , , Lincoln Mss., ISHL; Halleck to McClellan, November , , ORA, , pt., ; Thomas and Hyman, Stanton, ,..Smith, Francis Preston Blair Family, :–..Basler, Works, :–; Halleck to Buell, October , , ORA, , pt., ..Halleck to Buell, October , , ORA, , pt., ; Basler, Works, :..Donn Piatt, Memories of the Men Who Saved the Union (New York, ), ; Thomas and Hyman, Stanton, –..Halleck to Banks, November , , ORA, :–; Lincoln to Banks, November ,, Lincoln Mss., LC-RTL..McClernand to Lincoln, September , , ORA, , pt., –; Thomas and Hyman, Stanton, ; Stanton to McClernand, October , , ORA, , pt., ..Welles, Diary, :; Stanton to McClernand, December , , ORA, , pt., .Chapter .“If there is a worse place.”.Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln, :..B&L, :; McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story, ..Charles A.Dana, Recollections of the Civil War (Lincoln, Nebr., ), ; George Gordon Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army, vols.(New York, ), :; Daniel Larned to Henry Larned, November , , Larned, Mss., LC; quotes in Marvel, Burnside, ..B&L, :; Oliver O [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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