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.But I liked it and I schemed on waysto get to see her again.Damn, I really was a stalker. Well, if you think you re going toget Niki, you had better step up your gameman, cause& you know about Jason,right? She s gonna dump him.Wait andsee.She ll send him packing. I wouldn t be so sure, dude.Jason s got you beat hands down.Sorry tosay, I mean, I don t want to be the bearerof bad news, but he s already a lawyer,plus he s in with her dad. Chase handedme a cutting board and pointed to a bowlfull of lemons that needed slicing. Andyou? You have nothing going on right now,except your panty dropping good looksand charisma. You re such an ego booster, Chase.I feel like crushing one of your testicles right now and I say that shit with love.Way to be there for me. I raised aneyebrow and tipped my head as I pickedup a lemon.He wasn t making this easyfor me.All the more of an indication thatNiki was something really special.If he ssticking up for her this much, she must bedynamite.I grinned from ear to ear.Chase checked the bar clock. Youcan take your lunch break first today. Great.I have some stuff to doanyway.I ll see you later, I said as Ifilled the  set up trays with lemonwedges.I skipped out the door of the barand hoofed it over to Fourth StreetPromenade.My cell phone buzzed in mypocket.A text.I pulled it out.It was Kat,Now is the time, lover boy.I pounded letters of the alphabet on the screen, as I walked,Are you re sure today is the day?Yes, yes.Jesus, you re like a lostlittle boy.I told you a hundred times,today is the day.My bad.What if I m too late?Lame.Be there or be six feetunder.:)The screen went dead.I shoved itback in my pocket and pushed my handthrough my hair.I pulled up short as Irounded the first stone corner of thesandwich shop next to a cell phone storeon the pedestrian mall.I exhaled andleaned up against the side of the building,tense, waiting, heart pounding.I lifted mysunglasses off my nose for a clearer view.Nothing.Just a million mother fuckerswalking around this place.Shit.This wasn t gonna work.I came to catch Niki on her lunchbreak from her fashion design classes.Kathad tipped me off, but now I was about tochicken out.What if she didn t want to seeme?I spotted her, breathtakinglybeautiful, as she walked across the mosaicbrick pavement, towards the sandwichshop.My eyes zeroed in on the movementof her tits, bouncing as she walked.Myeyes had a mind of their own.Her longdark hair flipped in the breeze, caught onthe upstroke of her bounce.My mouth wasdry.She closed the gap between us.Herhead was down with a large bag slungover one shoulder and her eyes hiddenbehind large sunglasses.Damn.Did shesee me? Did she want to see me? I played it cool.She got closer.I stared in the otherdirection.She was practically on top ofme.She wasn t looking.She didn t seeme.She was about to walk right past me. Niki. My voice was a little tooloud and she startled. Oh, Jesus! She caught her breath. You scared the shit out of me. She heldone hand to her breast and slipped off hersunglasses. Excuse me, Miss.Did anyone evertell you, you look a lot like my first wife?She laughed and rolled her eye.Iwanted to get lost in those eyes. First wife? You ve got balls.Howmany do you plan to have? Well, rumors have been told.She raised her eyebrows andsmirked. What are you doing here? She pulled her chin in and gave me a sternlook. Are you stalking me? Wait, howdid you know I would be here? Just chance. Her eyes narrowedwith disbelief. Seriously, I came here toum., I looked up and saw the sign infront of the cell phone store. I had to fixmy cell phone.Yeah. I nodded.Sheturned slightly and looked at the cellphone store, then back to me. Oh, what s wrong with yourphone?I still had my phone in my hand,waving it around as we talked. It.it sbroken.She nodded, her head bobbed upand down. Uh huh.I see.And how is itbroken? She narrowed her eyes speculatively at me. It has um, a.broken screen.Yeah,broken screen. She craned her neck topeer at the phone in my hand.I flipped itover so she couldn t see the screen. It doesn t look like it has a brokenscreen. She wrinkled her brow. Let mesee.Where? She reached out to touch myphone.I flipped it again, screen side upand held it out in the palm of my hand. Right there. I pointed to thesmooth screen. There s a crack rightthere. She leaned over for a closer look,nose to the screen. You re crazy.I don t see any crackin the screen. She straightened up.I held the phone, screen side out andsmashed it against the stone side of thebuilding, then laid out my palm with it. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes gotwide as saucers. See? There s thecrack. Oh my God! Jesse, you are fuckingcrazy.You just broke your phone. Hervoice squeaked and she laughed at thesame time. I told you it was broken. Igrinned. I can t freaking believe you justdid that. I would break my phone any dayjust to have a reason to see you.Nowcome on, how about I take you to lunch,please.Don t say no.You ll break myheart if you say no and I don t think there sa store to fix that. I gave her my bestpuppy dog eyes.She huffed and stompedher foot.  Jesse.You are so, so.aaargh, shegroaned.She was balking.My heart sank. I m meeting a friend here forlunch. She waved a hand in the directionof the sandwich shop. And I wouldif.you know.if I wasn t in arelationship. I know, I know, Jason. FuckingJason.She s gotta realize it s me shewants and not Jason.I know how shekissed me.It was like warm honeycovered my entire body and she felt it too.I was in deep and there was no religionthat could save me now.I wanted thiswoman bad.If she walked away, there donly be pain.I was no  daddy s favorite. He dsay,  There goes my little girl with sometroublemaker guy. I d be thinking the same thing if I were in his shoes.But I dchanged.They don t understand, they can tunderstand how I have felt since I met myNiki.She can t just walk away.Niki gave me the most beautifullook with her eyes.I felt like the sky wasfalling.I stepped in a little closer to herand reached for her arm.The urge to pullher to my chest rumbled from deep insideme.A light breeze picked up the essenceof her perfume and wafted it up my nose.Her scent was heavenly. Please, Niki.I want to see you.Letme take you out tonight, then. I said,standing as close to her as she would letme. Jason doesn t deserve you.I ll treatyou better.Does he buy you flowers? Ileaned in closer and whispered in her ear. When he s finished, does he step back and adore you?She faltered, pulled away andlooked startled. I m sorry, I gotta go. She turnedand waved at someone. Here comesCourtney now. I m not giving up, I said.I wasn ta quitter.I didn t win all those races bygiving up, but winning races was easycompared to winning Niki s heart.She smiled and took a stepbackwards, ready to walk away.She gavea little laugh, shook her head and said, You re too dangerous for me, JesseMorrison. Dangerous? No, maybe a little onthe wild side. Okay then, she said and startedwalking.  And a stalker.I m good at being astalker too.I take my job seriously, sobrace yourself, sweetie.You re gonna beseeing me around a lot more than you everimagined.Don t be surprised if I rockyour dream world. I raised my eyebrowswith a wiggle.She gave me a wave andwalked off to meet up with her friend.Ispun around to head back to work.Shit.Ineeded to go to the cell phone store [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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