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.]51.Kf5Puzzle of the month1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.d4 exd4 tage.Black's king-side is bloated and very[51.Bf7 52.Bxf7+ Nxf7 53.a3 Ne5 54.Qe6by C.G.S.Narayanan5.c3 dxc3 6.Nxc3 h6 [S.Kalygin 2482 vs vulnerable.To survive, he must do somethingNd7 55.f4!+ ]52.Bh5 Rd7 53.Qe8 [(ThreatE.Romanov 2329, 2003 went: 6.Bg7 7.Bg5 quickly.21.Bxf5!? 22.Rxd8+ Rxd8 23.Bf154 Bg4+ Ke5 55 f4+!!)]53.Rd6 54.Qg6+Find the last moves!Nce7 8.0 0 h6 9.Bh4 g5 10.Bg3 Nf6 11.h4 [23.Bxf5?? Ne2+ wins the white queen.]23.g4 12.Nd4 0 0 13.e5 Nh5 14.Qxg4 Nxg3 Kg7 [The material balance is approximately4th January 2016 was observed as the15.Qxg3= game was eventually drawn.]7.equal, but the weakness in black's king- International Day of Chess Composition.Bd2 Bg7 8.Qc1 Nge7 [Generally, the side pawn structure remains and is easy toTo celebrate this day the internationalnatural moves are the best.Here black penetrate and explode.]24.Qa3! Rd7 [If heweb project  Super Problem organizedshould have tried: 8.Nf6 9.0 0 g5 10.e5 tries to protect his a-pawn, he can end up inan on-line retro solving contest globallyNh7 11.Rd1 0 0=]9.0 0 Kf8?! [The idea a lost position after: 24.a6 25.Qe7+ Kg6on January 2016 featuring six originalof this odd move is not entirely foreign to 26.Qxb7]25.Qxa7 h5 26.Qc5 Kg6 27.h4 Ne6and innovative problems of differentthis variation.Better was: 9.a6 10.Ba4 [If 27.gxh4!? 28.Qc4 Kg5 29.Qc1±]28.Qb4varieties, composed by Andrey Frolkind6 11.Nd5 Kf8 12.Bc3 Nxd5 13.exd5 Ne7 gxh4 29.Qxh4 Rd4 30.Qg3+ Ng5 31.Qe3for the occasion.One hour was given to14.Qd2 Bd7=]10.Nd5 d6 11.Bc3 Nxd5 [If 31.f4 h4 32.Qb3 Rxf4 33.Qxb7 Rg4]31.solve six problems.Dr Manikumar, the12.exd5 Ne7 13.Re1 Bd7 [For the ex- c5 [This provides white with one more pointonly Indian solver in the merit list, solvedtra pawn that he has, black has to suffer for attack.Better was: 31.Rhd8]32.Bb5four out of six in 59 minutes to tie for[54.Qg6+ Ke5 55.f4+! Kxf4 56.Qxf6+some difficulties.Nothing is free in life!]14.Ne6 33.Re1 h4 34.f3 Rhd8 35.b3 Rd2the 6-7th place.wins.]54.Kf4 [White will play 55 Qxf6+.]Bxg7+ Kxg7 15.Qc3+ f6 [this weakens 36.Re2 R2d4 37.Kh2 Nf4 38.Re1 Ne61 0black's castled position further.The alterna- 39.Re2 Nf4 40.Re1 Ne6 41.Bc4! [Oftives are not any better.If 15.Kg8 16.Rxe7! course, white does not want to draw as he hasAndrey Frolkin (Original)Qxe7 17.Qxc7 Kg7 (17.Rd8 18.Re1 and material superiority having a queen for rookSuoerProblem 4.1.2016By the time a player becomes athe Bd7 is lost.) 18.Qxd7±; worse is 15.and knight.]41.Ng5 42.Qe7 Rd2 [ThisGrandmaster, almost all of his trainingKh7?? 16.Qf6 Rf8 17.Rxe7 Bxb5 18.Nd4 Bd7 threatens 43.Nxf3+ If 42.b6 43.Bb5 fortime is dedicated to work on this first19.Rae1 Kg8 20.Ne6!]16.Nd4 Nxd5 17.Qg3 the devastating 44 Be8+]43.Re2 b6 44.Bb5!phase.The opening is the only phasec6 [Black has two extra pawns but his king- Rxe2 45.Qxe2 Ne6 [With a pair of rooks ex-that holds out the potential for trueside is under pressure.If now 17.Re8 changed off, the white queen has an easycreativity and doing something entirely18.Nf5+ Kh7 19.Nh4 Rg8 20.Bc4 c6=]18.time penetrating the black position.]46.Qe1!new.- Garry KasparovBd3 g5 19.Re6!? [Looking good but notenough compensation for the pawn minus is:19.Qxd6 Re8 20.Bc4 Bc8 21.Qg3 Nf4=]19.When your house is on fire, you can t beNf4 20.Nf5+ Kf8 21.Rxd6bothered with the neighbors.Or, as wesay in chess, if your King is under attack,don't worry about losing a pawn on thequeen side.- Garry KasparovLast move by black and white?Dr.Manikumar s lucid explanation of theAttackers may sometimes regret badsolution on page must inspire solversmoves, but it is much worse to foreverto take up to retro-solving.regret an opportunity you allowed to46.Rd4 47.Bc4! Ng5 48.Qe8+ Kh6pass you by.-- Garry Kasparovsolution on page 3149.Qe7 Kg6 50.Bb5 Be6 51.Be8+ [ThisAICF CHRONICLEAICF CHRONICLE4140JANUARY 2016JANUARY 2016 Test your endgameby C.G.S.NarayananTactics from master gamesS.KrishnanKakovin 1959 Roger Missiaen 19591.2.1 2Black to play and win Black to play and winVladimir Pachman 1959 Tjavlovski 19593.4.3 4Black to play and win White to play and winTjavlovski 1959 Evreinov 19605.6.5 6Black to play and win White to play and winWhite to play and win in all the six endings above(Solution on page47)(Solution on page 47)(solutions on p.)AICF CHRONICLEAICF CHRONICLE4342JANUARY 2016JANUARY 2016 Masters of the past-60 Alexander KotovRaghavs Foundation 4th Intl.Fide Rating classical & Blitz , Hyderabad&.Alexander Alexandrovich Kotov (1913-1981)was a Soviet chess grandmasterand author.He was a Soviet champion, a two-time world title Candidate, anda prolific chess author.His books were insightful and informative and werewritten in a congenial style.He often made his points by citing first-handHon'ble Union Minister of Statestories of incidents involving famous grandmasters, most of whom he knew (I.C) for Labour & EmploymentMr.Bandaru Dattatreyapersonally.Such entertaining and enlightening personal accounts helped toinaugurating Raghav'sensure that his books would remain popular among chess players of widelyFoundation 4th Intl.Fide ratingvarying nationalities and playing strengths.Classic & Blitz Chess tournies atAurora PG College, HyderabadWhile best remembered today as an author, Kotov also had a number of goodon 20-12-2015results as a player.One of his best early results was his second-place finish inthe 1939 USSR Championship, just missing out to Mikhail Botvinnik in the final round.This resultwon him the Soviet Grandmaster title, the third Soviet player to hold the title after Botvinnikand Grigory Levenfish.Kotov was Moscow champion in 1941.He won the Soviet title jointly withDavid Bronstein in 1948, and won at Venice in 1950, ahead of Vasily Smyslov.He was granted the title of International Grandmaster in 1951 by the World Chess Federation.At this time, Kotov also held high posts in the Soviet Chess Federation.In the first ever Candidates Tournament of 1950 (the tournament to determine who challengesthe World Champion, who at the time was Botvinnik) held in Budapest, he scored 8.5/18.Hehad qualified for the event by finishing fourth in the 1948 Interzonal Tournament in Stockholm,Top 5 winners of Raghav'sscoring 11.5/19 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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